Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, Tammy Peterson, and Tamara Lich break down the events leading up to, during, and after the internationally recognized Canadian Freedom Convoy, which sought to publicize and end ridiculous COVID mandates as they heavily affected the multi-national trucking industry. Lich was a key organizer and has suffered for her role, spending a total of 48 days in jail over “mischief,” while being labeled a terrorist and being legally barred from using social media. Tamara Lich is a Canadian activist with a background organizing the 2018-2019 Yellow Vest protests in Alberta. She was also an early founder of the secession movement in western Canada known as WEXIT. Lich also had a prior career in the logistics field regarding Canadian energy and first became vocal about the unrivaled efficiency of her country’s fossil fuel industry, despite the mainstream media claiming otherwise. Dr. Peterson's extensive catalog is available now on DailyWire+: https://bit.ly/3KrWbS8 Ep.369 - Sponsors - Elysium: Get $50 off an Index test! Use code 'JBP50' at https://www.elysiumhealth.com/Index My Patriot Supply: MAJOR savings on your 4-week Emergency Food Kit http://www.preparewithPeterson.com/ - Links - For Tamara Lich: “Hold The Line” (Book) www.theconvoybook.com On Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Hold-Line-story-Freedom-Convoy/dp/1990583032/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=CjwKCAjwv8qkBhAnEiwAkY-ahuHKvQ2hmgh-MXOrv8GnPDsZb-Gf8n9CPWmgfNPdpRXefuTa7fA2IRoCnYgQAvD_BwE&hvadid=656260501629&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9013184&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=3321406421213699161&hvtargid=kwd-1958103710340&hydadcr=22565_13493330&keywords=hold+the+line+tamara+lich&qid=1687367278&sr=8-1 The Democracy Fund www.thedemocracyfund.ca For Tammy Peterson: Podcast https://www.youtube.com/@Tammy-Peterson - Chapters - (0:00) Coming up (0:14) Intro (1:30) Oil, logistics, and accountability (6:11) Canada’s Globalist agenda (11:13) Becoming an organizer (12:21) WEXIT, Peter Downing (15:33) Track record of the Trudeaus (18:06) Provincial matters (19:43) The Yellow Vest Rallies (22:35) Corruption at the local level (27:25) COVID tyranny sets in (29:57) Turning on your neighbors (32:33) Trudeau and the Emergency Act (33:28) Following the $cience (38:52) Chris Barber, a call to action (39:53) What prompted the Freedom Convoy (41:40) Bring it to parliament (42:45) Banned from social media (43:57) Charged with “Mischief” (46:24) Honking horns causes trauma? (50:24) An organic movement (52:37) Go Fund Me withheld 10 million (54:44) No one in Canada waves the confederate flag (55:00) Desantis steps in (56:37) The conspiracy sold to Canadian citizens (59:11) The movement spread like a wildfire (1:02:34) Not known for political activism (1:03:40) Arrival at Ottawa (1:04:42) The heros sent to prison (1:08:26) The GOV does not get to choose who they lead (1:10:02) The police in Ottawa, snipers on the roof (1:12:23) The Jerry Can protest (1:14:46) “It was like Canada Day on steroids” (1:14:59) Albania, a case in unjustified fear (1:16:58) Trudeau invokes the Emergencies Act (1:25:41) Bank account theft, Trudeau’s wrecked reputation (1:29:14) Inept GOV response (1:31:48) The captain goes down with the ship (1:35:18) What was accomplished (1:41:48) Proud to be Canadian again // SUPPORT THIS CHANNEL // Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/jordanbpeterson.com/youtubesignup Donations: https://jordanbpeterson.com/donate // COURSES // Discovering Personality: https://jordanbpeterson.com/personality Self Authoring Suite: https://selfauthoring.com Understand Myself (personality test): https://understandmyself.com // BOOKS // Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life: https://jordanbpeterson.com/Beyond-Order 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos: https://jordanbpeterson.com/12-rules-for-life Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief: https://jordanbpeterson.com/maps-of-meaning // LINKS // Website: https://jordanbpeterson.com Events: https://jordanbpeterson.com/events Blog: https://jordanbpeterson.com/blog // SOCIAL // Twitter: https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson Instagram: https://instagram.com/jordan.b.peterson Facebook: https://facebook.com/drjordanpeterson Telegram: https://t.me/DrJordanPeterson All socials: https://linktr.ee/drjordanbpeterson #JordanPeterson #JordanBPeterson #DrJordanPeterson #DrJordanBPeterson #DailyWirePlus - Enlace a artículo - Más info en frasco@menadelpsicologia.com / Tfno. & WA 607725547 Centro MENADEL (Frasco Martín) Psicología Clínica y Tradicional en Mijas Pueblo #Psicologia #MenadelPsicologia #Clinica #Tradicional #MijasPueblo *No suscribimos necesariamente las opiniones o artículos aquí compartidos. No todo es lo que parece.
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