
Centro MENADEL PSICOLOGÍA Clínica y Tradicional

Psicoterapia Clínica cognitivo-conductual (una revisión vital, herramientas para el cambio y ayuda en la toma de consciencia de los mecanismos de nuestro ego) y Tradicional (una aproximación a la Espiritualidad desde una concepción de la psicología que contempla al ser humano en su visión ternaria Tradicional: cuerpo, alma y Espíritu).

“La psicología tradicional y sagrada da por establecido que la vida es un medio hacia un fin más allá de sí misma, no que haya de ser vivida a toda costa. La psicología tradicional no se basa en la observación; es una ciencia de la experiencia subjetiva. Su verdad no es del tipo susceptible de demostración estadística; es una verdad que solo puede ser verificada por el contemplativo experto. En otras palabras, su verdad solo puede ser verificada por aquellos que adoptan el procedimiento prescrito por sus proponedores, y que se llama una ‘Vía’.” (Ananda K Coomaraswamy)

La Psicoterapia es un proceso de superación que, a través de la observación, análisis, control y transformación del pensamiento y modificación de hábitos de conducta te ayudará a vencer:

Depresión / Melancolía
Neurosis - Estrés
Ansiedad / Angustia
Miedos / Fobias
Adicciones / Dependencias (Drogas, Juego, Sexo...)
Obsesiones Problemas Familiares y de Pareja e Hijos
Trastornos de Personalidad...

La Psicología no trata únicamente patologías. ¿Qué sentido tiene mi vida?: el Autoconocimiento, el desarrollo interior es una necesidad de interés creciente en una sociedad de prisas, consumo compulsivo, incertidumbre, soledad y vacío. Conocerte a Ti mismo como clave para encontrar la verdadera felicidad.

Estudio de las estructuras subyacentes de Personalidad
Técnicas de Relajación
Visualización Creativa
Cambio de Hábitos
Desbloqueo Emocional
Exploración de la Consciencia

Desde la Psicología Cognitivo-Conductual hasta la Psicología Tradicional, adaptándonos a la naturaleza, necesidades y condiciones de nuestros pacientes desde 1992.

domingo, 31 de marzo de 2024

✒️ CONOCERTE a través de la PALABRA ✒️ Con EJERCICIOS PRÁCTICOS | Mardía Herrero y Rafa Millán

✒️ La palabra es un puente, o una escalera, para unir el cielo con la tierra, lo indecible con lo dicho, lo absoluto con lo relativo. Puede servirnos de herramienta de autoconocimiento, de espejo y de llave.

En este vídeo hablamos de la naturaleza de la palabra, de la importancia que puede tener en el camino espiritual (y que tuvo para místicos como santa Teresa), y proponemos ejercicios prácticos que podrán serte útiles en tu propio proceso, empleados habitualmente por Rafa en sus terapias (es psicólogo sanitario desde hace más de 15 años) y por Mardía en sus clases (filóloga y escritora).

✒️Si el vídeo te ha interesado, por favor suscríbete (nos haces un gran favor, es gratis y no tiene contraprestaciones). Y, si quieres, dale a la campanita para que te envíen notificaciones sobre nuevos vídeos. También puedes darle a like y compartirlo en redes sociales. Nos das la vida.

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Y, si lo tienes a bien, suscríbete, aquí (es gratis y no tiene contraprestación, sólo apoyas el canal!):


👨‍🏫 Rafa Millán (Madrid, 1976), es psicólogo (licenciado por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), filósofo (máster en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid), escritor (Cómo ser Sufí y morir en el intento, ed. Guante Blanco; Sobre las enfermedades mentales, ed. Manuscritos; Diario de un cocainómano, ed. Temas de Hoy), y colaborador habitual en prensa y medios desde 2001. Psicólogo sanitario (con su propia consulta desde 2008). Practicante del sufismo desde 2007. Dirige talleres de psicología y encuentros y meditaciones sufíes. Ha sido ilusionista profesional. Creador del canal de YouTube “Psicología y Espiritualidad” junto a su mujer, la escritora Mardía Herrero. Es padre de 5 hijos.

👩‍🏫 Marta Herrero Gil, Mardía (Madrid, 1981), escritora y profesora, es Doctora en Literatura, Máster en Ciencias de las Religiones, Licenciada en Historia (Premio Extraordinario Fin de Carrera) y en Filología. Ha publicado 39 semanas y media. Un embarazo sufí (Mandala, 2016), y El paraíso de los escritores ebrios (Amargord, 2007), es articulista en la revista del Instituto Cervantes Rinconete, donde ha publicado más de 60 artículos, de los cuales 13 versan sobre la vida y la obra de Santa Teresa; y colabora en otros medios académicos y divulgativos. Participa en charlas y encuentros para hablar de sufismo, mística cristiana (en especial sobre santa Teresa), teorías del imaginario y maternidad sagrada. Ha dado clases de Literatura en la Universidad Complutense.

También puedes interesarte por los últimos libros de Marta Herrero o de Rafa Millán:

📘 Peregrina:

📙 Cómo ser Sufí y Morir en el intento:

📗 Cómo Santa Teresa Me Acompañó al Sufismo

📘 39 Semanas y media. Un embarazo Sufi:

📙 Diario de un Cocainómano


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Fusion of Horizons, Yakshas, and Cosmic Grammar

Welcome to our monthly newsletter, dear reader,

Our first new library selection is a key reference article by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy on the yakshas, the tutelary deities or patron-saints of nature in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain lore.

If some elements of ancient Hindu cult, perhaps of millennial antiquity, are still preserved in the Christian office, this is no more than evidence of the broad unity that underlies religious tendencies and acts everywhere and always; pagan survivals in all current faiths are signs of fulfillment, rather than of failure.

yaksha sculptures
Yakshas from Bharhut

• Next we present a study on “Understanding Other Religions”, comparing the views of al-Biruni (11th century) with H.G. Gadamer’s concept of “fusion of horizons” (Horizontverschmelzung).

Al-Biruni likens the custom of idol worshiping among Hindus to the old Hellenistic belief that the images or representations of divine beings have no magical power. Since the ancient Greeks “considered the idols as mediators between themselves and the First Cause, and worshipped them under the names of different stars and the highest substances.” In other words, people do not worship these images as deities; they rather function only as reminders for the non-philosophical pious man and woman of the existence of the divine.

• And we conclude with the introduction to an important volume on the study of language not as a conventional human construct, but as an inhaerent blueprint for reality, The Poetics of Grammar and the Metaphysics of Sound and Sign.

In culture after culture, grammar turns out to be dependably linked with creation and restoration. Knowledge of grammar allows access to the workings of reality, which the skilled grammarian is capable of using efectively—to bless or to curse, to kill or to heal, to make present or to transform. In this sense, grammar transcends the merely descriptive or referential analysis of linguistic systems… The world itself is grammar-ed, though not necessarily in transparent ways.

The post Fusion of Horizons, Yakshas, and Cosmic Grammar first appeared on The Matheson Trust.

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Conseils de lecture sur « Une vie grandeur nature »

Conseils de lecture « Une Vie grandeur Nature »


Entretien avec Siân BOUYOU du 28 mars 2024

Siân Bouyou est actuellement responsable d’un centre spirituel dans le sud-ouest de la France. Elle a été co-propriétaire d’un hôtel-restaurant pendant trente ans, tout en poursuivant une quête spirituelle étroitement liée à sa recherche en nutrition et son engagement en écologie. C’est ainsi qu’elle a suivi durant de longues années une formation approfondie dans l’univers de la macrobiotique, et exercé dans deux restaurants macrobiotiques. Puis, c’est au cœur des cuisines de l’ashram de Lee Lozowick, maître spirituel américain, qu’elle a exprimé son art, et enfin en tant que responsable des cuisines de l’ashram d’Arnaud Desjardin à Hauteville. Elle a élevé cinq enfants.

Nous avons eu le grand plaisir d’accueillir Siân Bouyou le 17 mars pour une conférence sur « Une Vie grandeur Nature ». Son témoignage riche de subtilités spirituelles a aiguisé notre envie d’en savoir plus dans le domaine de l’alimentation « sacralisée ». Nous l’avons donc sollicitée pour une nouvelle transmission sur ce sujet, notamment dans la tradition soufie mevlevie qu’elle connait bien. Elle a accepté avec toujours autant de générosité, et voici le témoignage de sa propre expérience dans la cuisine spirituelle de la dergah (lieu soufi mevlevi), dont elle explique la fonction initiatique, le tout couronné par de belles paroles de sagesse tirées de l’enseignement de Hadret Mawlâna (Rûmî). 

La conférence du 28 mars 2024

La conférence du 17mars 2024

Références bibliographiques


Rachel CARSON, Printemps silencieux, préfacé par Al Gore, Ed. Wildproject, 2019 (réédition).

Rachel Carson, éminente biologiste écologue américaine, dénonce dans cet ouvrage l’empoisonnement du monde vivant par les pesticides. Cela aura pour effet l’interdiction du DDT aux États-Unis, et cette victoire retentissante contre les lobbys de l’industrie chimique marque la naissance dans les années soixante du mouvement écologiste. Un ouvrage incontournable pour observer et comprendre le monde dans lequel on vit. 


Simon BROWN, La Nouvelle Macrobiotique, créer son régime pour un jour… ou pour toute la vie, Macro Éditions, 2015.

Un livre illustré et riche de nombreux conseils pour retrouver le goût des bonnes choses, l’équilibre alimentaire et la santé, adapté à chacun. Une ressource essentielle.

Michio KUSHI, Le Banquet de la Guérison : la guérison naturelle par la macrobiotique, Ed. Labor, 1980.

William TARA, Macrobiotique et Comportement Humain : psychologie, comportement et alimentation, Ed. Guy Trédaniel, 1990.

Films documentaires

Sugarland, de Damon Gameau, 2014.

Que se passe-t-il si nous ne mangeons que des aliments sucrés pendant 60 jours ? Damon Gameau a tenté l’expérience. Un témoignage édifiant.

Water, le pouvoir secret de l’eau, dAnastasyia Popova,

Ce film aborde l’eau sous tous les angles, scientifique, économique, historique, écologique, religieux et spirituel, afin de nous permettre d’avoir un regard holistique sur cet élément naturel.

Recommandations de Conscience Soufie

Tayeb CHOUIREF, La Médecine prophétique. Approche traditionnelle et recherches contemporaines, Ed. Tasnîm, mars 2023.
À partir de hadiths authentifiés, l’auteur nous retrace les grands principes de la médecine prophétique. De plus, il met en regard les découvertes scientifiques récentes et les usages de cette médecine traditionnelle de manière à considérer sous un jour nouveau cet héritage prophétique et les vertus de nombreux remèdes naturels.

L’article Conseils de lecture sur « Une vie grandeur nature » est apparu en premier sur Conscience Soufie.

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activité Politica Hermetica

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la poursuite de nos activités avec la conférence de

Philippe Baudouin

« Geneviève Zaepffel, la voyante de Vichy. »

Le samedi 27 avril 2024 à 19h30

Au couvent de l’Annonciation, 222 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008, Paris, métro Place des Ternes ou Charles de Gaulle-Étoile.

Participation aux frais : 17 € pour le buffet qui vous sera servi après la conférence ; 7 € pour ceux qui ne pourraient pas prendre part au buffet. Soyez assez aimables pour donner réponse afin de prévoir l’organisation.

Pour tout renseignement :

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Weekend Roundup

Dear Classical Wisdom Reader,

It’s a story of sacrifice, and facing down death for a greater good…

But not what necessarily what you’re thinking of on Easter Sunday!

Thermopylae is famous for being where the last stand of the 300 Spartans took place, one of the most famous events of the ancient world.

It’s a story with an immense legacy, one which has inspired multiple big-screen epics, and been infused into our culture.

Yet there’s MUCH more to the history of Thermopylae than this one momentous event.

Join us for our next LIVE webinar, where Anya will be joined by Dr. Michael Livingston and Myke Cole to discuss their recently released book "The Killing Ground: A Biography of Thermopylae".

Discover a history of dozens of battles on this famed site, stretching from the Classical era to World War II.

That’s on Thursday, April 4th at 5pm EST. You can register for that HERE!

Can’t join us live? Don’t worry! Everyone who registers will receive a recording afterwards.

Now, check out the week’s resources just below, including a look at early Christian poetry.

Plus, for our Members, a podcast interview with Robin Waterfield, author of what is astonishingly the first ever book-length biography of Plato in English.

Become A Member! Level up and gain FULL access to our archives, including our exclusive e-book of early Christian poetry and literature.


Classical Wisdom Kids

That’s it for this week!

All the best,

Sean Kelly

Managing Editor

Classical Wisdom

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Lisan al-Gaib - The REAL Meaning?

Watch my full video on the topic:

#dune #islam #religion

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Discover the full Rising Stars concert with Robert Neumann on STAGE+ | #deutschegrammophon #piano

Discover the full Rising Stars concert with Robert Neumann on STAGE+, the new streaming service from Deutsche Grammophon:

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ΑΓΙΟΥ ΝΙΚΟΔΗΜΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΡΕΙΤΟΥ ΑΟΡΑΤΟΣ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΣ LA GUERRA INVISIBLE SAN NICODEMO EL AGHIORITA   Segunda edición repasada traducción 31/03/2024 Índice de Contenido PRÓLOGO y PRIMERA PARTE Capítulo A. 1 En qué y cómo se encuentra la perfección cristiana. Cómo uno debe combatir. Las cuatro armas necesarias para esta guerra. Capítulo A. 2 No debemos confiar …

Continuar leyendo »

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Feliz Pascua


Vosotros, hermanos, si habéis resucitado con Cristo, buscad lo de arriba, donde Cristo está sentado a la derecha de Dios; estad centrados arriba, no en la tierra, para que así como Cristo fuere resucitado de la muerte por el poder del Padre, así también vosotros empecéis una vida nueva. Cambiad las alegrías y consuelos humanos por la compunción y tristeza que Dios quiere, para gozar de la devoción santa y espiritual. Nos la concederá aquel que pasó de este mundo al Padre, y nos llama a Galilea para manifestarse a nosotros (San  Bernardo)

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COMPRENSIÓN Ver Aceptar Amar El anhelo de explorar y expresar lo inefable encuentra en la poesía una forma de mirar la vida. Tal vez porque, en su capacidad de hacerse silencio totalidad de significados, la poesía deja espacio a todo lo que aparece, a todo lo que quiere mostrarse, para que pueda ser y decirse…

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Semana 31 de marzo: Para caer en la cuenta…

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Congrès annuel de la zaouia des Allaouia (Cheikh Mehdi Bentounes) - L'Écho d'Oran 13/09/1955


L'une des photos du Congrès annuel de la zaouïa des Allaouia en présence du Cheikh Mehdi Bentounes le 12 septembre 1953.    la photo publié dans le journal l’Écho d'Oran le 13 septembre 1953. Une foule immense de fidèles musulmans se sont rassemblés récemment à la zaouïa des Allaouia, en présence du cheikh Bentounès qui a présidé aux prières, du cadi et du mufti. (Photo Delay)A

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sábado, 30 de marzo de 2024

Mystic physiology

 ~Henry Corbin

In Ibn ‘Arabi as in Sufism in general, the heart (qalb), is the organ which produces true knowledge, comprehensive intuition, the gnosis (ma’rifa) of God and the divine mysteries, in short, the organ of everything connoted by the term "esoteric science" (‘ilm al-Batin). It is the organ of a perception which is both experience and intimate taste (dhawq), and although love is also related to the heart, the specific center of love is in Sufism generally held to be the ruh, pneuma, spirit. Of course , and of this we are reminded at every turn, this "heart" is not the conical organ of flesh, situated on the left side of the chest, although there is a certain connection, the modality of which, however, is essentially unknown. It is a notion to which the utmost importance has been attached by the mystics of all times and countries, of Oriental Christianity (the Prayer of the Heart, the charisma of cardiognosis) as well as India . Here we have to do with a "subtile physiology" elaborated "on the basis of ascetic, ecstatic, and contemplative experience" and expressing itself in symbolic language. This, as Mircea Eliade has pertinently remarked, does not mean "that such experiences were not real; they were perfectly real, but not in the sense in which a physical phenomenon is real”.

In short, this "mystic physiology " operates with a "subtile body" composed of psycho-spiritual organs (the centers, or Chakras, "lotus blossoms") which must be distinguished from the bodily organs. For Sufism the heart is one of the centers of mystic physiology. Here we might also speak of its "theandric" function, since its supreme vision is of the Form of God (surat al-Haqq) -this because the gnostic's heart is the " eye," the organ by which God knows Himself, reveals Himself to Himself in the forms of His epiphanies (not as He inwardly knows Himself for in its quest of the Divine Essence even the highest science can go no further than the Nafas al-Rahmin). It is also true to say that the gnostic, as Perfect Man, is the seat of God ' s divine consciousness and that God is the seat and essence of the gnostic's consciousness (if it were necessary to draw a diagram, the situation would be far better represented by the two focuses of an ellipse than by the center of a circle). To sum up, the power of the heart is a secret force or energy (quwwat khafiya), which perceives divine realities by a pure hierophanic knowledge (idrak wadih jali) without mixture of any kind, because the heart contains even the Divine Rahma. In its unveiled state, the heart of the gnostic is like a mirror in which the microcosmic form of the Divine Being is reflected.

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@rogereno78 has gone into the studio to create a solo piano version of Deep Blue Day 💙 | #piano

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Dustin O'Halloran - Spiritus Naturae Aeternus (Live from Capitol Studios)

Listen to ‘Harmonic Dream Sequence’ and order Dustin O'Halloran's new album ‘1 0 0 1’:
Discover full concert performances and operas on STAGE+, the new streaming service from Deutsche Grammophon:

Oscar-nominated and Emmy-winning composer and pianist Dustin O’Halloran (one half of ambient music duo A Winged Victory of the Sullen) delivers his long-awaited new electronics-forward album on Deutsche Grammophon. ‘1 0 0 1’ is an exploration of nature, consciousness, technology, and the profound implications of artificial intelligence and our understanding of it. Designed for “intentional listening” – to be experienced as a whole, in the same way as we take our time to contemplate a painting or a sculpture – this immersive album provides a space in which to slow down and reflect on some of the complex philosophical questions facing our ever more rapidly evolving world. O’Halloran recorded ‘1 0 0 1’ at Reykjavík’s RRO Studios, where he was joined by his longtime collaborator and fellow composer Bryan Senti on violin, a hand-picked eight-voice choir, Paul Corley (Sigur Rós) on electronic production, and the Budapest Art Orchestra orchestrated by Roman Vinuesa – all mixed by Francesco Donadello.

Find Dustin O’Halloran Online:

Dustin O'Halloran, Bryan Senti, Reykjavik Silfur Choir, Budapest Art Orchest - Spiritus Naturae Aeternus (Live from Capital Studios)

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viernes, 29 de marzo de 2024

Antje Weithaas, Dénes Várjon - Beethoven: I. Allegro [Violin Sonata No. 5 in F Major, Op. 24]

Discover full concert performances and operas on STAGE+, the new streaming service from Deutsche Grammophon:

“Just once in my lifetime, I wanted to record Beethoven’s ten violin sonatas as a cycle!” For violinist Antje Weithaas, this was a long-held wish. Well-known as an internationally renowned soloist and chamber musician, and as a sought-after violin professor, her repertoire ranges from the Baroque era to the 21st century.

Despite all these achievements, Beethoven’s sonatas for piano and violin are still of special significance to her. “This music exudes profound humanity, a trait I find in each of the violin sonatas. And every piece by Beethoven I know contains a moment of deeply moving emotion.”

Antje Weithaas embarked on her journey through several creative periods of Beethoven’s output in the company of one of the most versatile, sensitive pianists of our time: the Hungarian Dénes Várjon. Várjon is often on tour in the music venues of the world as soloist and as chamber musician; he is also devoted to teaching. Várjon has received his musical imprint from such outstanding Hungarian musicians as composer György Kurtág, violinist and conductor Sándor Vegh, and the pianists Ferenc Rados and András Schiff.

Dénes Várjon, Antje Weithaas - Beethoven: Violin Sonata, Op. 24 "Spring", IV. Rondo
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Julius Asal’s new single is out: Scriabin: Prélude in B Major, Op. 16 No. 1 (Upright Version)​⁠ 🤩


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Más info en / Tfno. & WA 607725547 Centro MENADEL (Frasco Martín) Psicología Clínica y Tradicional en Mijas Pueblo #Psicologia #MenadelPsicologia #Clinica #Tradicional #MijasPueblo

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Early Christian Poetry

Dear Classical Wisdom Reader,

It’s not the first thing we think of when we talk about the Classical world…

Normally, our minds go towards the likes of Greek myths, Roman emperors, or ancient philosophy.

Yet the origins of Christianity fall very much within the timeframe of the Classical era.

Today’s article looks at an often forgotten outgrowth of that period: the poetry and literature of early Latin Christians. Of course, as with the tales of the Greek gods, one need not be a believer to appreciate the power and beauty of the poetry.

Discover the history of this overlooked genre, and how it shaped our understanding of poetry today…

Members can go deeper and check out our exclusive e-book of early Latin Christian poetry and literature (translated into English!).

Featuring bonus introductions to provide context on the various writers, it’s a fantastic way to learn more about this fascinating and transitional period of history. You can find that HERE.

So maybe this poetry will spring to mind when you think of the Classics, after all.

In any case, I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

All the best,

Sean Kelly

Managing Editor

Classical Wisdom

Become a Member! Check out our exclusive e-book of early Christian poetry. Plus, gain access to our archives of Members-only podcasts, articles, and more!

A Forgotten Genre: Early Christian Poetry

By Ben Potter

It is difficult to know definitively when the ‘ancient world’ came to an end. In all likelihood, the demise of Rome and the beginning of the Dark Ages was far more a transition than any single event. But even if we’re on flimsy ground regarding the moment of metamorphosis, we can certainly say that the soundtrack to the transition was provided by one of the most neglected groups of ancient artists: Latin Christian poets.

They were revered in the middle-ages, but since then the Christian poets who wrote from 4th – 6th centuries have been maligned as shallow imitations of their pagan predecessors, concerned more with proselytism than prosody.

And perhaps there is truth in this statement. Latin Christian poetry is passionate, often bordering on the fanatical, but there are, as Carolinne White states in her wonderfully approachable work on the topic, Early Christian Latin Poets, “further delights and complexities of this unjustly neglected corpus”.

However, before we dive into the works of these holy scribblers, one glaring and vital question must be asked: ‘What about the Latin Christian poetry before the 4th century’?

Quite simply, there are no extant Latin Christian poems from the first three centuries.

The knee-jerk reasoning is to cite the Roman persecutions of the Christians, but this doesn’t quite cut it. Severity of persecution oscillated enough to allow some work to blossom, and the holy texts themselves obviously pre-dated the poetry they inspired.

Nero’s Torches (1876) by Henryk Siemiradzki, depicting Christians being burned.

So how has this work been lost? Well… possibly, but the crux of the issue lies in the fact that the early church was more influenced by Greek and Hebrew. Not surprisingly then, most early hymns were composed in either Greek or Syriac (a western dialect of Aramaic).

The early Christians considered Latin too pagan or, if you prefer, not Christian enough. So the dearth of early, Christian, Latin poetry is no mystery.

The 4th-6th centuries, then, was a time of biblical re-education. Many religious texts were translated into Latin, and biblical and apostolic study became as much a part of the assumed curriculum for literate men as Virgil or Homer had been for their forefathers.

Paradoxically, detractors have accused the early Christian poets of being both too similar to, and not distinct enough from, their pagan forebears.

Here it appears we have some muddled thinking. Nobody could make a convincing argument that the style and meter of the Christians were not either heavily influenced by, or directly copied from the likes of Ovid, Horace, Virgil and Propertius. What makes them distinct, therefore, is the tone and content of their work:

“The abundance of sins tends to throw Christians into confusion. As a result of this our Lord wanted to give us a warning, comparing the kingdom of heaven to a net cast into the sea which catches up many fishes of every kind from different places. When they have been pulled to the shore, the fishermen separate them, placing the good ones in barrels, the bad they put back in the sea”. – Augustine

This is even more true for non-Latinists as poetical rhythm is often, inevitably, lost in translation. So we are left with content – and in this respect there was a tectonic, or perhaps divine, shift from the time of the pagan writers.

Overnight poetry became more serious, cerebral and spiritual. What was once a distracting folly for the educated elite became an exercise of the utmost reverence and piety.


Though despite these lofty intentions, the actual language used is often derived from Vulgar Latin – the language of the gutter, the downtrodden and the oppressed.

A possible explanation for this is the vulgarity of the original scriptures themselves which, if Paulinus of Nola is to be believed, could not be further from the rarefied eloquence of the King James’ Bible:

“Let not the simplicity of scripture nor the poverty of its vocabulary offend you, for these are due either to the faults of translators or else to a deliberate purpose, for in its way it is better fitted for the instruction of the unlettered congregation, as the educated person can take one meaning and the uneducated another from one and the same sentence.”

Linz Cathedral (Upper Austria). Gothic revival stained glass window showing Saint Paulinus of Nola.

Though whatever the lexical shortcomings, this was made up for in spades by the fervent belief that these were not pagan word-games, but Christian truths. The problem with writing about the truth, however, was that there was often some meddlesome schismatic throwing spanners into the works.

Thus, a good deal of the time and energy spent by the early Christian poets went not into proselytizing, exalting, or composing perfect verse, but into denouncing other heretical sects. This seemed especially true of Augustine, who was determined to ensure a singularity of exegesis in a time when there were many dogmatic pretenders, all jostling for supremacy.

Several poets made pains to condemn the apostate tendencies of the Pelagians, Arians, Donatists, Priscillians and Manichees. This gives us another clear and unambiguous way in which the Christian and pagan poets differed; the polytheists were far more laissez-faire and ad hoc when it came to the malleable details of their gods’ lives, attributes and even morality.

Saint Augustine in His Study (c. 1490–1494) by Sandro Botticelli

So it is not just because the subject matter is more familiar to us that the words of the Christian poets resonate with such vigor. It seems the pride and passion they put into their work was done so without affect:

“From the wound of Christ flowed the sacraments of the Church” – Augustine

The fire and brimstone were as burning and acrid on the page as off it. And so, even if one can make a solid case to state that the likes of Ovid and Horace were finer practitioners of their art, whatever Christian poetry may have lacked in style, it more than made up for in pride, passion, piety and, of course being Christian, a heavy dose of pathos:

“The holy one went out after being handed over for punishment…his magnificent head was encircled with a crown woven of thorns, because in his mercy he took upon himself all the thorns of our misfortunes…he was hung high on the spreading cross, transforming the anger of the crisis by means of loving devotion…suddenly a horrendous darkness fell, taking possession of the whole sky, covering the shadowy daylight with gloomy mourning; the sun buried…just as for three hours the darkened stars hid…so for three days the Lord endured imprisonment in the cave that was his tomb” – Sedulius

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Il laboratorio haitiano

Il laboratorio haitiano


C’è un disgraziato paese che raramente viene preso in considerazione dai mezzi d’informazione, e quando se ne parla lo si fa solo marginalmente e senza un serio approfondimento, visto che ben altre tragedie apparentemente a noi più prossime incombono e monopolizzano le “prime pagine”. Ma le avverse vicende che oramai da tempo flagellano lo stato caraibico di Haiti – che per le bellezze paesaggistiche di cui è dotato avrebbe potuto benissimo essere un paradiso naturale – assumono un significato emblematico, certificando di fatto la trasformazione di quel luogo in un invivibile inferno in terra, dove prevale l’anarchia più assoluta e la definitiva demolizione di ogni ordinamento politico e sociale, con le inevitabili conseguenze sulla vita degli abitanti che questo comporta.

La recente fuga di migliaia di detenuti da una prigione della capitale Port-au-Prince ha esposto il paese ad ulteriori violenze, stupri e scorrerie delle bande criminali guidate dall’ex poliziotto Jimmy Chérizier, soprannominato Barbecue per l’abitudine di carbonizzare le sue vittime. E nonostante la dichiarazione dello stato di emergenza da parte delle (residue) autorità haitiane, non è stato possibile arginare tale deriva; anzi, lo stesso primo ministro Ariel Henry, che era subentrato al presidente Jovenel Moïse, assassinato nel luglio 2021, è stato costretto a rassegnare le dimissioni. Ma già prima di questi ultimi avvenimento, Haiti era stata segnata da una serie impressionante di catastrofi naturali (distruttivi terremoti e devastanti uragani), aggravate da una incontrollata corruzione politica e dallo strapotere delle bande criminali, che l’avevano ridotta ad essere il paese più povero al mondo.

A ben guardare, è qui possibile individuare ed isolare i germi di un autentico maleficio che in un futuro non troppo remoto potrebbe interessare sempre più vaste fasce di umanità. Infatti, gli haitiani già oggi non possiedono più nulla, non solo di ricchezze e beni materiali, ma nemmeno per quanto riguarda le minime condizioni di esistenza civile, culturale, sanitaria e comunitaria: senza per questo essere, tuttavia, felici. Un assaggio e un’anticipazione di un sinistro modello verso cui sembrano destinate le nostre società “evolute” e “democratiche”, dove la libertà e la sicurezza personale tendono sempre più ad essere accantonate  o del tutto negate, in vista dell’affermazione finale delle politiche antiumane promosse dalle attuali classi dirigenti.

La “formula magica”, lo slogan trasformato in mantra programmatico dai loschi figuri di Davos essendo una evidente parodia della ricerca della povertà e dell’indigenza suggerita da ogni via realizzativa e da tutte le religioni: “non possiederai nulla e nulla ti possiederà”, è un chiaro segno del principio demonico che presiede quel forum. Infatti è lo schiavo, e non certo l’uomo libero o in cerca della liberazione, a non poter disporre di nulla riguardo alla sua persona, perché – come ci ricorda Aristotele – «la condizione di schiavo non dipende dalla compravendita degli uomini quanto dalla schiavitù ai beni esteriori di cui la schiavitù dal padrone non è che un simbolo».

Questo ci permette anche di spiegare la necessità – da parte di “qualcuno” – di insozzare ogni bellezza e violare qualunque purezza, per esempio con l’uso rituale della pedofilia in quegli  ambienti interessati ai progetti prima ricordati. Ovunque sussistano tracce di un possibile paradiso diventa obbligatorio per loro instaurare l’inferno, così come dov’è purezza devono diffondere il vizio ed il peccato. Ecco perché forse Haiti ha questo non invidiabile privilegio di essere stata scelta per fare da battistrada e da laboratorio in cui sperimentare e applicare i futuri strumenti di annichilimento universale.

Anche perché c’è il fondato sospetto che a facilitare una tale deriva dell’isola caraibica possa aver contribuito il particolare tipo di religiosità diffusa ad Haiti, basata sui culti del Vudu (le cui “concordanze” con determinati aspetti dell’attuale fase ciclica che stiamo vivendo meriterebbero ulteriori approfondimenti): un insieme di credenze e di riti d’origine africana, dove si mescolano pratiche cattoliche all’occultismo superstizioso e ad oscure cerimonie magiche, ad uso della popolazione dell’isola, discendente dagli schiavi impiegati nelle piantagioni ai tempi del colonialismo, presso i quali i culti africani avevano abbondantemente prolificato. Una forma di magia naturale degenerata in magia nera, che l’etichettatura folkloristica e gli studi antropologici non riescono del tutto a mitigare; dove i loa (gli spiriti alla base del culto vudu) con cui entrano in contatto medianico le sacerdotesse, Baron Samedi e il culto dei serpenti, il malocchio come pratica quotidiana, le metamorfosi, le possessioni maligne e le pratiche per riportare i defunti in vita (la pseudo-vita degli zombie), risultano essere particolarmente funzionali – una vera miniera infernale! – allo psichismo inferiore che anima ed alimenta determinati ambienti.


Perché ad agire, ad operare e portare a compimento i progetti e le iniziative sono pur sempre degli esseri umani, delle marionette mosse da intrattenitori e impresari a loro volta manovrati. Ce li aveva già descritti Dostoevskij quando affida a Verchovènskij, uno dei “demoni” del suo romanzo omonimo, le seguenti parole: «Io gliel’ho già detto: penetreremo fin nel cuore del popolo. Lo sa lei che già adesso noi siamo terribilmente forti? Sono nostri non soltanto quelli che sgozzano, incendiano, che fucilano per motivi di classe o che mordono. Quelli lì non fanno altro che ostacolarci. Io non riconosco nulla che non obbedisca a una disciplina. Io sono un mascalzone, e non un socialista, ha, ha! Stia a sentire, io li ho già contati tutti: il maestro che, davanti ai bambini, si fa beffe del loro Dio e della loro culla è già uno dei nostri. L’avvocato che difende un colto omicida sostenendo che è più evoluto delle sue vittime e che, per far denaro, non poteva fare a meno di uccidere, è già dei nostri. Gli scolari che ammazzano un contadino per provare una forte emozione sono già dei nostri. I giurati che mandano assolti tutti i delinquenti sono dei nostri. Il pubblico ministero che, durante il processo, trema dalla paura di non apparire abbastanza liberale è nostro. Certi funzionari dell’amministrazione, certi letterati sono dei nostri. Oh, i nostri sono tanti, sono moltissimi, senza che neppure loro lo sappiano! D’altra parte, la passiva subordinazione degli scolari e degl’imbecilli ha raggiunto il limite estremo; quanto ai capi, è come se gli fosse scoppiata la vescica della bile; regna dovunque una vanità di proporzioni smisurate, un’avidità animalesca, inaudita… Ma lo sa lei, lo sa quanti ne accalappieremo già soltanto con qualche ideuzza bell’e pronta? […] il delitto non è più pazzia, bensì un atto di buon senso e quasi un dovere, o quanto meno una nobile forma di protesta. “Ma sì, come può un uomo evoluto fare a meno di uccidere, se ha bisogno di quattrini!” Ma questi non sono altro che zuccherini. Il Dio russo ha ormai battuto in ritirata davanti alla vodka a buon mercato. Il popolo è ubriaco, le madri si ubriacano, i bambini si ubriacano, le chiese sono vuote, e nei tribunali si dice apertamente: “Duecento vergate, oppure portaci qui un secchio di vodka”. Oh, aspetti soltanto che venga su la nuova generazione!»

«Soltanto è un peccato che non abbiamo tempo», è il cruccio di Verchovènskij, che vorrebbe poter assistere alla realizzazione in terra della sua diabolica utopia (avrebbe dovuto vivere fino ai nostri giorni, per presenziarvi!). Infine, questo “povero diavolo” conclude il suo delirio in modo sorprendentemente profetico: «Sa, io ho pensato di consegnare il mondo al papa. Basterà che esca dal suo palazzo a piedi e scalzo e si mostri alla plebaglia, come per dire: “Ecco a che punto mi hanno ridotto! E tutti si precipiteranno dietro di lui, perfino l’esercito”». Come non ripensare, a questo punto, alla Pasqua 2020 con papa Bergoglio da solo in Piazza San Pietro che finisce di sotterrare Cristo e la sua Chiesa, lanciando un messaggio di sottomissione e rassegnazione, piuttosto che di speranza, di Gioia e di trionfo della Vita. Esprimendo così un monito e proferendo una minaccia sull’inevitabilità della morte.

Al venir meno del sostegno dell’autorità religiosa, senza l’ordito (l’Ordo, la Tradizione) la trama svanisce e si disperde, perché tessere equivale a ordinare, dare forma e significato, per cui gli agenti della sovversione non possono che tendere al caos, al disordine ed alla dissoluzione, che sono parti inseparabili della loro natura. A completare l’identikit dei quali ci viene in aiuto anche Attilio Mordini (Verità del linguaggio), quando ci parla, dal punto di vista cattolico, di «Uomini che presi ad uno ad uno erano persone onestissime e generose, eccoli ora, non come un solo uomo, ma come un solo demonio, gettarsi sui beni e sulle persone altrui ad uccidere e a distruggere. E ciò sempre per l’aspetto passivo della libertà umana, la mimesi; gli uomini della massa si imitano tutti l’un l’altro allo stesso istante; o meglio credono di imitarsi l’un l’altro, ma senza saperlo imitano Lucifero nel suo non serviam; e lo imitano non credendoci e non conoscendolo, perché se conoscendo Dio Lo si serve meglio, Satana si serve di solito senza conoscerlo o non conoscendolo abbastanza». Per poi aggiungere: «Anche Platone, nel Fedone, mette in evidenza come una forza negativa sembri trattenere l’evolversi dell’universo. La chiama chồra, cioè vuoto; più tardi anche il Campanella la chiamerà nihilitas. Tale forza negativa sembra insidiare il calcagno della creazione così come Satana insidia il calcagno della donna; e come l’Immacolata Concezione e l’Assunzione della Vergine per l’Incarnazione del Figlio schiaccerà la testa al serpente, così la riassunzione del creato nella gloria di Dio vincerà la forza negativa nell’opera della creazione».

Se da una parte c’è la via luminosa e certa indicata da Cristo, dal Risorto, dall’altra incombe l’oscuro destino dei morti viventi, di quelli cioè pronti ad aderire acriticamente alle narrazioni del potere: qualunque sia l’argomento in questione o l’emergenza del momento. Un potere, quello attuale, destinato comunque a soccombere proprio per via della continua menzogna che lo caratterizza e ne è espressione, per la sua rinuncia ad ogni superiore supporto religioso e il conseguente crollo della moralità, dell’etica, della correttezza nei rapporti e per la distruzione di ogni spirito comunitario; dove l’imposizione di una sessualità dubbia e la prevalenza della cultura di morte non farà altro che lasciare nel loro schieramento solo degli inservibili zombie.

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No tendrás nada y serás feliz: la desaparición del dinero físico y sus consecuencias | Pura Virtud

Aunque los pagos electrónicos ofrecen comodidad, no debemos subestimar los riesgos asociados
con su dependencia total:
Impacto en las Zonas Rurales: Las áreas rurales suelen tener acceso limitado a la tecnología y la
conectividad digital. Para muchas comunidades rurales, el efectivo sigue siendo la forma de pago
más confiable y accesible. La eliminación del dinero en efectivo podría marginar a estas
comunidades, dificultando sus transacciones cotidianas y su participación en la economía.
Pérdida de Privacidad: A medida que aumenta la dependencia de los pagos electrónicos, también
lo hace la cantidad de información financiera personal que se recopila y comparte. Cada transacción
electrónica deja un rastro digital que puede ser utilizado para rastrear tus hábitos de gasto y
preferencias. La pérdida de privacidad es una preocupación seria, y el efectivo sigue siendo una
forma de pago que te permite mantener el control de tu información financiera.
Dependencia Gubernamental: La eliminación del efectivo puede dar lugar a una mayor
dependencia del gobierno en nuestras vidas financieras. Los registros digitales de todas las
transacciones pueden facilitar el monitoreo y el control gubernamental. Es importante preservar
nuestra autonomía financiera y asegurarnos de que el gobierno no tenga un control excesivo sobre
nuestras finanzas personales.
Vulnerabilidad a interrupciones Tecnológicas: Los sistemas electrónicos son vulnerables a
interrupciones tecnológicas, ya sea por fallas en la red o ataques cibernéticos. Dependiendo
exclusivamente de los pagos electrónicos nos expone a un mayor riesgo de quedar atrapados en
situaciones donde no podemos acceder a nuestros fondos o realizar transacciones.
Exclusión de Grupos Vulnerables: Las personas mayores, los niños, aquellos que no tienen acceso
a la tecnología o quienes prefieren el efectivo por razones culturales, pueden quedar excluidos si el
efectivo desaparece por completo. Es fundamental garantizar que todos tengan la opción de utilizar
dinero en efectivo, independientemente de su situación.

Limitación del uso del efectivo. El límite de pago en efectivo bajó a 1.000 euros el 11 de julio de
2021. Con esta medida se pretende combatir la economía sumergida y controlar la trazabilidad de
todas las operaciones.
Demonización del efectivo. La pandemia ha favorecido que el pago en efectivo ya no sea el más
habitual: en 2020 sólo lo fue para el 36% de los españoles. Se ha extendido la creencia de que es
una vía de transmisión de virus y bacterias. Por otro lado, se ha identificado el uso del efectivo con
el blanqueo de capitales, la economía sumergida y la evasión de impuestos. Se identifica, además, a
los autónomos y empresarios con el uso del efectivo, como colectivos socialmente insolidarios que
no están por la colaboración social mediante el pago de impuestos. Es una operación de ingeniería
social destinada a demonizar a estos colectivos, tan necesarios en nuestra sociedad.
Creación de monedas digitales centrales (CDBC). Según describe el Banco de España: "es una
nueva forma de dinero emitida de forma electrónica por un banco central". A diferencia de las
criptomonedas, que son descentralizadas, en este caso tenemos una moneda digital donde cada
transacción está monitorizada por un banco central.

Eliminación del ahorro. Otra de las vías de control es “sacar” el ahorro de las cuentas corrientes de
los bancos, bien mediante impuestos, bien mediante inflación, o bien haciendo que el dinero
caduque, es decir que sea un dinero que, de no usarlo en un plazo, deje de tener valor. Eso se
conseguirá en el momento en que el dinero sea electrónico y los Bancos Centrales tengan el control
sobre todos los depósitos y todas las transacciones.
Eliminación de los cajeros automáticos. En los últimos años se han ido eliminando los cajeros
automáticos, siendo sustituídos cada vez más por el uso del móvil y de las tarjetas contactless para
realizar transacciones. Unido a eso se han popularizado los sistemas de pago mediante transacciones
electrónicas con el móvil, como Bizum en España.
Sistema de crédito social en China y su extensión al resto del mundo. La idea detrás de este
sistema es incentivar a los ciudadanos a comportarse de manera responsable, las implicaciones han
generado preocupación. El problema es que, detrás de una fachada eticamente correcta, puede
esconderse un sistema de control sobre todos los aspectos de la vida de los indivíduos. El sistema de
crédito social es una iniciativa gubernamental que rastrea y califica el comportamiento de sus
ciudadanos en varios aspectos de la vida cotidiana. Aquellos con puntuaciones bajas en este
sistema enfrentan una serie de restricciones que van desde la capacidad de viajar hasta la obtención
de préstamos bancarios.

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Una meditación sobre la Semana Santa a cargo de Francisco Ariza


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Julius Asal - Scriabin: 5 Preludes, Op. 16: No. 1 in B Major (Upright Version)

Discover full concert performances and operas on STAGE+, the new streaming service from Deutsche Grammophon:

Phenomenal young German pianist Julius Asal releases his debut DG album. 'Scriabin – Scarlatti' comes out on 3 May 2024:
The album begins and ends with a fragment from the finale of Scriabin’s First Piano Sonata
Asal’s full performance of the Sonata is framed by a selection of Scriabin’s etudes and preludes,
six sonatas by Scarlatti and two improvisatory Transitions by the pianist himself
Julius Asal chose two different Steinways for the recording, one for its sumptuous dark sonorities, the other for its clear, crisp sound.
“These miniatures by Scriabin and Scarlatti are like mythical creatures from another dimension, with their own character, their own life, their own past, present and future.”
Julius Asal

Julius Asal - Scriabin: 5 Preludes, Op. 16: No. 1 in B Major (Upright Version)
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jueves, 28 de marzo de 2024

Ibn al-ʿArabī in Peripatetic guise? From ʿiyān to burhān and the epistemological problematic

Rosabel Ansari's areas of Specialization include Classical and post-classical Islamic philosophy; Graeco-Arabic Studies.Her research involves the transmission of Ancient Greek philosophy into Arabic, Arabic and Islamic metaphysics in both the classical and post-classical periods, the philosophy of language, and the relationship between rational and supra-rational forms of knowledge in Islamic philosophy. Her forthcoming monograph is on metaphysics and the philosophy of language in the philosophy of al-Fārābī.

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Libro: Sufismo


El sufismo es una apuesta radical por una espiritualidad libre, exenta de cualquier tipo de sumisión o actitud acomodaticia. Una espiritualidad que va mucho más allá de cualquier atadura formal. El sufismo o tasawwuf constituye la dimensión interior del islam, el néctar de la espiritualidad muhammadiana, la más pura y refinada destilación del mensaje coránico. El sufismo es el corazón del islam y, al mismo tiempo, el islam del corazón. No obstante su filiación islámica, el sufismo, visto desde una perspectiva universalista, se dirige hacia el mismo horizonte de significación espiritual que muchas otras...

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Yuja Wang - Scriabin: Piano Sonata No. 3 in F-Sharp Minor, Op. 23: III. Andante

Pre-order Yuja Wang's new album 'The Vienna Recital' here:
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“Yuja Wang sent the Konzerthaus into raptures … the hall went wild!” (Der Standard, Vienna) – on 26 April 2022 the virtuoso pianist Yuja Wang thrilled her Viennese audience with an astonishingly eclectic mix of repertoire. Recorded and filmed live on the night, the programme ranged from the early Classicism of Gluck to the improvisatory jazz piano of Kapustin, via music by Albéniz, Beethoven, Glass, Scriabin and more. As can be heard on her forthcoming album, taken from that acclaimed recital, Yuja displayed an effortless ease in switching between different eras and genres.
“I believe that every programme should have its own life and reflect my current feelings” – Yuja Wang

Yuja Wang – The Vienna Recital, released by Deutsche Grammophon on CD, on vinyl (2 LPs) and digitally.
You can listen to and order the album here:
Subscribers to STAGE+ can enjoy the filmed performance on the DG platform right now.

Yuja Wang - Scriabin: Piano Sonata No. 3 in F-Sharp Minor, Op. 23: III. Andante
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The Sound of Art: Deutsche Grammophon Stories - Episode 4: Sound and Design

All episodes of 'The Sound of Art: Deutsche Grammophon Stories' are now available on STAGE+:

Famed for his classical music films, director Eric Schulz has created a new five-part video series, The Sound of Art, about the history of Deutsche Grammophon. He speaks to leading figures at DG, past and present, takes a behind-the-scenes look at recent recording sessions, and interviews some of the artists who have played a part in DG’s evolution and success, from Lang Lang, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Víkingur Ólafsson and Alice Sara Ott to Joe Hisaishi, Joana Mallwitz and Jonathan Tetelman, with additional contributions from Hilary Hahn, Daniel Hope, John Williams and more.

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The Mahdi in Islam (Dune)

Watch my full video on the topic:

#dune #islam #religion

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Roger Eno - Deep Blue Day (Piano Version) (Official Music Video)

Listen to Deep Blue Day here:
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In a special one-off recording, composer and pianist Roger Eno has gone into the studio to create a solo piano version of Deep Blue Day, a classic track he first recorded with his brother, Brian Eno, and Canadian producer and musician Daniel Lanois in 1983.
Deep Blue Day began life on an album widely considered to be one of the best ambient recordings of all time: 1983’s Apollo: Atmospheres And Soundtracks. That same album launched Roger Eno’s recording career, as he, Brian and Lanois teamed up to write, perform and produce a set of pieces for the score of Al Reinert’s documentary about the Apollo moon landings, For All Mankind, released in 1989. The original track combines introspective synths with pedal steel guitar melodies, a nod to the country music tapes taken on moon missions by the astronauts. Deep Blue Day later appeared on another famous soundtrack, that of Danny Boyle’s 1996 film Trainspotting, where its hypnotic beauty is starkly juxtaposed with the graphic horrors of the scene it accompanies.
In his new version, Roger Eno takes us into a different realm – the quiet, muffled soundworld of his upright piano. The gentle but insistent beat remains, with the melodies in the warm middle register of the keyboard occasionally drifting into the more bell-like upper notes, echoing what Lanois has called the “celestial twang” of the guitar in the original. Atmospheric, dreamy and serene, Eno’s new take on this much-loved track gives listeners space for a moment’s reflection and is the perfect offering for a celebration of all things piano.
The artist himself says, “I remember well the original recording in Grant Avenue Studios, Hamilton, Canada, where my brother, Danny Lanois and myself worked and laughed together. This version was recorded in the Berlin studio of a friend and colleague, Christian Badzura, a fellow lover of good beer and music – thank you, Christian. Less ‘planetary’ than the original, this version is deliberately more ‘earthbound’, telling, I hope, of friendships, memories and the fortunate path Fate has allowed me to walk. I hope you enjoy it.”

Find out more about Roger Eno here:

Video by © Höpen Media

DOP: Marcel Riedel

Camera Operator, Editor: Jon-Jakob Gendner

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