
Centro MENADEL PSICOLOGÍA Clínica y Tradicional

Psicoterapia Clínica cognitivo-conductual (una revisión vital, herramientas para el cambio y ayuda en la toma de consciencia de los mecanismos de nuestro ego) y Tradicional (una aproximación a la Espiritualidad desde una concepción de la psicología que contempla al ser humano en su visión ternaria Tradicional: cuerpo, alma y Espíritu).

“La psicología tradicional y sagrada da por establecido que la vida es un medio hacia un fin más allá de sí misma, no que haya de ser vivida a toda costa. La psicología tradicional no se basa en la observación; es una ciencia de la experiencia subjetiva. Su verdad no es del tipo susceptible de demostración estadística; es una verdad que solo puede ser verificada por el contemplativo experto. En otras palabras, su verdad solo puede ser verificada por aquellos que adoptan el procedimiento prescrito por sus proponedores, y que se llama una ‘Vía’.” (Ananda K Coomaraswamy)

La Psicoterapia es un proceso de superación que, a través de la observación, análisis, control y transformación del pensamiento y modificación de hábitos de conducta te ayudará a vencer:

Depresión / Melancolía
Neurosis - Estrés
Ansiedad / Angustia
Miedos / Fobias
Adicciones / Dependencias (Drogas, Juego, Sexo...)
Obsesiones Problemas Familiares y de Pareja e Hijos
Trastornos de Personalidad...

La Psicología no trata únicamente patologías. ¿Qué sentido tiene mi vida?: el Autoconocimiento, el desarrollo interior es una necesidad de interés creciente en una sociedad de prisas, consumo compulsivo, incertidumbre, soledad y vacío. Conocerte a Ti mismo como clave para encontrar la verdadera felicidad.

Estudio de las estructuras subyacentes de Personalidad
Técnicas de Relajación
Visualización Creativa
Cambio de Hábitos
Desbloqueo Emocional
Exploración de la Consciencia

Desde la Psicología Cognitivo-Conductual hasta la Psicología Tradicional, adaptándonos a la naturaleza, necesidades y condiciones de nuestros pacientes desde 1992.

lunes, 3 de junio de 2019

Narcissus: How Vanity can be Evil

By Ben Potter, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Even from a very young age Narcissus was unrivaled in two things: his stunning natural beauty and his… what’s the word? oh yes! – narcissism. Or self-love or vanity, or however you wish to describe it. It is this fatal flaw with which Narcissus has become associated. However, his personality was more far complex than we think. He was not simply a preening, strutting peacock, but a darker and dirtier creature. Like Don Giovanni, Dorian Gray and Jay Gatsby he seems appetitive, cruel and capricious and is justly punished for the damage his misdemeanors inflict. Echo, a blabbermouth nymph cursed by Hera to only be able to parrot the words of others, was madly in love with Narcissus. Upon following him into the forest and engineering a romantic situation, Narcissus told her “I will die before you ever lie with me” To which the poor spurned nymph could only chokingly plead “Lie with me”. Narcissus left her to rot in the glen, slowly decaying until all that was left of her was a voice. Echo and Narcissus This was how he lived his life. Anyone who wished to love him was cast aside without a thought; certainly without a kind one. On another occasion Narcissus sent a sword to his eagerest suitor, Ameinias. Ameinias promptly came round to the house of his unrequited love and killed himself on his doorstep, calling on the gods for vengeance as he did so (c.f. fictionalized Servilia in HBO’s Rome). His prayers were answered by Artemis, who made Narcissus fall deeply into a love that was doomed never to be consummated. At Donacon in Thespia, Narcissus stopped to drink at a perfect, clear pool. So undisturbed was the water that he saw in it an exact image of himself. Trying to kiss and caress this beautiful boy, Narcissus quickly realized the mistake he had made. However, the damage had been done, he was in love. Narcissus looking at his reflection He lay staring at the pool for hours on end. According to Ovid, this is how he died, trapped in the eyes of the one he loved, who he could never have and never leave. In this way he reduced away to nothing in the same manner as Echo. However, an earlier account by Parthenius saw him consumed with anguish and torment. The illogical mania of the lovelorn washed over him, tapered only by the knowledge he would always love himself; always remain true. In his despair, Narcissus plunged a dagger into his perfectly contoured chest. Echo, looking on, uttered a brief eulogy outlining the fruitless pursuit of loving one so doomed by his own beauty. Narcissus Flower From the blood-soaked ground sprang forth the white narcissus. From this, it was said, an unguent could be made that had properties to both heal and harm, to cause pleasure and pain. All that was left of Narcissus was a beautiful flower and a dangerous narcotic, terrible and tempting in equal measure. - Artículo*: plato - Más info en / 607725547 MENADEL Psicología Clínica y Transpersonal Tradicional (Pneumatología) en Mijas Pueblo (MIJAS NATURAL) *No suscribimos necesariamente las opiniones o artículos aquí enlazados
Narcissus: How Vanity can be Evil by plato on June 3, 2019 By Ben Potter, Contributing Writer, Classical Wisdom Even from a very young age Narcissus was unrivaled in two things: his stunning natural beauty and his… what’s the word? oh yes! – narcissism. Or self-love or vanity, or however you w...

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Más info en / 607725547 MENADEL Psicología Clínica y Transpersonal Tradicional (Pneumatología) en Mijas y Fuengirola, MIJAS NATURAL.

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