Waley The man of highest “power” does not reveal himself as a possessor of “power” ; Therefore he keeps his “power”. The man of inferior “power” cannot rid it of the appearance of “power” ; Therefore he is in truth without “power”. The man of highest “power” neither acts nor is there any who so regards him ; The man of inferior “power” both acts and is so regarded. The man of highest humanity, though he acts, is not regarded ; Whereas a man of even the highest morality both acts and is so regarded ; While (...) - Tao Te Ching / Duyvendak, Haven, Laotseu / Laozi / Lao Tze, Legge, Léon Wieger, Matgioi, Mitchell, Tao Te Ching, Tao / Dao / Voie / Way, arete / excellence / vertu / vertue / virtude / virtue / virtud, acte / puissance / energeia / dynamis, possibilité / potentialité / Toute-Possibilité / pouvoir / poder / power, chute / queda / decadência / caída / fall - Artículo*: Cardoso de Castro - Más info en psico@mijasnatural.com / 607725547 MENADEL Psicología Clínica y Transpersonal Tradicional (Pneumatología) en Mijas y Fuengirola, MIJAS NATURAL *No suscribimos necesariamente las opiniones o artículos aquí enlazados
Waley The man of highest “power” does not reveal himself as a possessor of “power” ; Therefore he keeps his “power”. The man of inferior “power” (...)
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Más info en psico@mijasnatural.com / 607725547 MENADEL Psicología Clínica y Transpersonal Tradicional (Pneumatología) en Mijas y Fuengirola, MIJAS NATURAL.
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