Dear Classical Wisdom Readers,
History is replete with examples of those getting what they deserve... as well as those who do not. One politician, through lies and propaganda, goes down throughout history as one of the greatest rulers of all time... while another has his head literally handed to him on a plate.
So... what gives? Doesn’t really seem fair, does it? It makes us ask if Karma exists at all?
The ancients most definitely thought so. Not only did they feel consequences would follow actions, they actually deified it. Nemesis was the goddess of retribution, following acts of hubris with the certainty of the sun rising... the only catch is that it might not be in one’s lifetime. They felt the son can suffer for his father’s sins... as anyone who has heard the tales of Agamemnon or Oedipus can attest.
Like the Inuits and their multiple words for snow, the concept was so deeply ingrained in ancient Greek culture and mythology that there were many revenge ‘gods’. For instance, Até was a more unpredictable figure, exemplifying a rash, chaotic, response. Até was a chain reaction, a mechanism in which evil succeeds evil.
The most famous example is no doubt in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” when Mark Antony addresses the body of Caesar and predicts civil war:
“And Caesar’s spirit ranging for revenge,
With Até by his side, come hot from hell,
Shall in these confines, with a monarch’s voice,
Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war…”
But just because the ancient Greeks and Romans believed in Karma, with Nemesis and Até ready to dish just deserts, doesn’t mean it always happened that way. Like our more modern evildoers, the ancient world is filled with unpunished villains and underserved victims alike.
Moreover, I’m sure we can all think of colleagues, acquaintances and foes for whom if Karma doesn’t exist, we certainly wish it did. So where does this leave us dear reader?
Does Karma exist? Does what goes around come around? Does this ancient concept translate to our modern age? And should we act as if it does?
As always, you can write to me directly at, reply to this email or comment below.
Now... onto what we know, what we don’t know and what we don’t know we don’t know... Essentially: should we be skeptics?
All the best,
Anya Leonard
Founder and Director
Classical Wisdom
P.S. Fun fact: The word deserts in ‘just deserts’ has nothing to do with sugary sweets or with dry, dusty places. Instead, desert comes from the same root as deserve, which in turn comes from the Latin deservire, which means to ‘serve well or zealously’. Hence the phrase a punishment that is justly deserved.
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Monday Mailbag
Re: Should We be Skeptics?
I favor the view that we should question everything
Doesn't it help to discover the truth?
And keep the liars at bay?
In this age of WhatsApp where every message is forwarded without verifying its veracity it's a good habit to create and develop.
I myself repost without thinking but thanks for the article I'll be more judgmental about what I do.
Orville R.
A skeptic doubts without logical justification. A believer accepts without logical justification.
A thoughtful person judges using evidence and logic, whether that leads to doubt or acceptance.
Neither a skeptic nor a believer be! Be a thinker!
Robert H
Now is a most important time to be a skeptic! Consider the floods of disinformation, propaganda, conspiracy theories, and just plain lies pouring over us from the many communication channels that saturate us 24-7. These are filled with pseudo-facts, poor reasoning, and emotionally manipulative language and images. Now add in the continually improving generative AI tools producing fake quotes and images.
More than ever, we have to be constantly on our guard - don't believe anything until researching it for yourself.
Long live Pyrrho!
Paul F.
Sunnyvale, California
As I was pondering how so many people get locked into one side or another on so many issues of the day, I realized that it can be useful to classify people as either curious or opinionated. The opinionated are sure of the rightness of their opinions, whereas the curious are always willing, and even eager, to see if the evidence really supports their positions, and to learn more whenever they can.
To the curious person, it is more important to find and discern "truth" than to be "right". Thus, I would define curiosity as an aspect of skepticism, along with the willingness to modify our opinions as more information becomes available.
I recall the quote, attributed to John Maynard Keynes, who, when attacked by another gentleman for changing his opinion on an issue of the day, replied, "When the facts change, I change my opinion. What do you do, sir?"
Curiosity and the awareness that my opinions may be wrong or incomplete keeps me from getting too wedded to any party or position as I always seek for more light and knowledge.
Gordon F.
It’s good to question, IMHO. Sound review and analysis involves consideration of the good and the bad; what is posited and what may be contradictory and the shades of gray between.
So questioning everything is not desirable because it represents half the story.
Enjoy your work; thx for sharing.
Mike g.
My partner taught me a lesson in scepticism in a way I've never thought of it before:
She said: "You should be trusting of everyone until proven otherwise - it's a nicer way to view the world."
Now, that's not to say you should go and give your money to the "Somalian Prince" in your gmail inbox...but what a positive way to live your life. I trust you, until you betray me.
And if you betray me, so be it.
Maybe the answer is to trust, but have insurance. Do not hand your wallet to a stranger, but believe what they say - why not?
Thanks for the thought-provoking question!
Eren E.
Friends, a critical eye serves us well, but like a lamp, it must be aimed wisely. The Skeptics are right to question, but true wisdom lies in discernment. Not everything requires deep scrutiny. Focus on what lies within our control: our own thoughts, reactions, and actions. For external matters, a healthy dose of reason and a suspension of strong judgment will serve us better. Let us examine claims with care, but also recognize that some truths are self-evident. Worrying excessively about the unknowable, clouds our minds and hinders virtue. Let us strive for a balanced approach, neither gullible fools nor chronic doubters, but students of reason and experience.
Byzantine School
Yes, question everything! But it may not be the best life lived as it is very tiring.
Marcus TC
The heart of science is to question everything. Those that do not, are no longer scientists. Their tendency is to be ruled by emotion.
As so many today, you can call yourself a scientist but are more a salesman for whatever the sales pitch of the day is.
As a scientist, to do experimentation you need money. The givers of most of the money are big business and government. If you come up with the answer they did not want === no more grants.
George H.
Yes. Question everything...including your questions.
John Coleman C.
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