
Centro MENADEL PSICOLOGÍA Clínica y Tradicional

Psicoterapia Clínica cognitivo-conductual (una revisión vital, herramientas para el cambio y ayuda en la toma de consciencia de los mecanismos de nuestro ego) y Tradicional (una aproximación a la Espiritualidad desde una concepción de la psicología que contempla al ser humano en su visión ternaria Tradicional: cuerpo, alma y Espíritu).

“La psicología tradicional y sagrada da por establecido que la vida es un medio hacia un fin más allá de sí misma, no que haya de ser vivida a toda costa. La psicología tradicional no se basa en la observación; es una ciencia de la experiencia subjetiva. Su verdad no es del tipo susceptible de demostración estadística; es una verdad que solo puede ser verificada por el contemplativo experto. En otras palabras, su verdad solo puede ser verificada por aquellos que adoptan el procedimiento prescrito por sus proponedores, y que se llama una ‘Vía’.” (Ananda K Coomaraswamy)

La Psicoterapia es un proceso de superación que, a través de la observación, análisis, control y transformación del pensamiento y modificación de hábitos de conducta te ayudará a vencer:

Depresión / Melancolía
Neurosis - Estrés
Ansiedad / Angustia
Miedos / Fobias
Adicciones / Dependencias (Drogas, Juego, Sexo...)
Obsesiones Problemas Familiares y de Pareja e Hijos
Trastornos de Personalidad...

La Psicología no trata únicamente patologías. ¿Qué sentido tiene mi vida?: el Autoconocimiento, el desarrollo interior es una necesidad de interés creciente en una sociedad de prisas, consumo compulsivo, incertidumbre, soledad y vacío. Conocerte a Ti mismo como clave para encontrar la verdadera felicidad.

Estudio de las estructuras subyacentes de Personalidad
Técnicas de Relajación
Visualización Creativa
Cambio de Hábitos
Desbloqueo Emocional
Exploración de la Consciencia

Desde la Psicología Cognitivo-Conductual hasta la Psicología Tradicional, adaptándonos a la naturaleza, necesidades y condiciones de nuestros pacientes desde 1992.

jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2024

Michael Tsarion – Druidic Symbolism 
in Masonry and Judeo-Christianity (Part I)


Michael_Tsarion_7_The_Posthuman_World_UnslavedFilms__109699Michael Tsarion was born in Northern Ireland, in the United Kingdom. He is an expert in the occult histories of Ireland and America. He is the author of the acclaimed books Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation, Astro-Theology and Sideral Mythology, The Irish Origins of Civilization, The Trees of Life: Exposing the Art of Holy Deception and Disciples of the Mysterium. The following article you will read will try to match several aspects of occultism, history and symbolism, thus to find a relationship between some ancient civilizations in different times and in different places.

From all these facts it appears that the population of Ireland came from the West, and not from Asia – that it was one of the many waves of population flowing out from the Island of Atlantis – and herein we find the explanation of that problem which has puzzled the Aryan scholars. As Ireland is farther from the Punjab than Persia, Greece, Rome, or Scandinavia, it would follow that the Celtic wave of migration must have been the earliest sent out from the Sanskrit centre; but it is now asserted by Professor Schleicher and others that the Celtic tongue shows that it separated from the Sanskrit original tongue later than the others, and that it is more closely allied to the Latin than any other Aryan tongue. This is entirely inexplicable upon any theory of an Eastern origin of the Indo-European races, but very easily understood if we recognize the Aryan and Celtic migrations as going out about the same time from the Atlantean fountain-head. There are many points confirmatory of this belief. In the first place, the civilization of the Irish dates back to a vast antiquity – Ignatius Donnelly (Atlantis: The Ante-Diluvian Epoch, 1882)

As we have shown throughout the Irish Origins of Civilization, the symbols and traditions we associate with Judaism, Christianity, Templarism and Masonry, originated in Ireland.

They were first employed by the Druid Elders of the West, once known throughout the world as the Arya. The name Ireland was originally rendered Ari or Arya Land; one of the main connotations of the term being “Western Land.” Another was “Land of the Pure or Noble Ones.”

Hard as it is for most modern men and women to comprehend, once-upon-a-time the little green land was home to the world’s original aristocracy. This fact has not been conceded by the vast majority of Celtic scholars who are for the most part in doubt about where the so-called “Celts” originally came from, and unaware the term “Celt,” as promulgated by Greek and Roman mythmongers, is both inaccurate and prejudicial.

Our Thesis

The Ten Commandments of the Druids were almost identical with those given by God to Moses – Richard Kelley Hoskins

We began work on The Irish Origins of Civilization in 2005 and published both volumes of the book in November 2007. Our researches into Ireland’s role in world history commenced in 1981, after a preliminary study of ancient Irish mythology. As of this date few of our theories and assertions have been accepted by modern-day writers and researchers. Nor have they been deeply contemplated and correctly tackled by revisionists. Nevertheless, we are now in an age when the ideas we present are likely to be corroborated. Recent archaeological discoveries help to radically change what has hitherto been accepted about the history of the West. The lies and fallacies concealing the facts about our past are daily being compromised.

In our text we assert the following controversial points which must be deeply considered by every unbiased historian and researcher:

  • The elements of modern civilizations originated in prediluvian times, long before the official dates given for the advent of sophisticated human artifice. After the destruction of Atlantis and other prehistoric civilizations (approximately 13,500 years ago), surviving cultural elements were transported to Britain and Scandinavia.
  • The preservers and disseminators of prediluvian knowledge were the priesthood known as the Druids. This word means Servant or Keeper of Truth. However, the Druids were a worldwide priesthood and were not confined to Western Europe. In Egypt they were known as Amenists. The cosmologies and pantheons of India, Egypt, Italy, Greece and other countries, were not autochthonous. They originated in Britain and Scandinavia. (Norway was once joined to Scotland via a great land bridge.)
  • Ireland not Egypt was the post-diluvian cradle of the elements of civilization. It is from Britain and Scandinavia that these elements spread throughout the world. This controversial fact is persistently denied because it inevitably gives rise to speculation about Atlantis, the Age of Catastrophe and antiquity of advanced pre-Adamic humans. Revelations on these subjects devastate fundamental tenets of modern-day science and religion. Additionally, the facts about the widespread influence of British Druidism is largely unknown because of the wholesale destruction of the Druids and the prolonged and deliberate suppression and mutilation of their social traditions and religious leitmotifs.
  • There were primordial connections between Britain and Egypt. Long before the first official dynasties (over 4,000 years ago), Western Arya migrated to the Middle and Far East establishing new civilizations and enriching existing ones. Their remains have been discovered in Upper Egypt and locations farther east. They were the original architects of the Giza Pyramids and many sacred temples along the Nile. They brought with them the worship of Amen Ra, Osiris, Horus and Isis (the Nordic Is). While in the East the Arya referred to their ancestral Western habitats as “lands of the dead,” due to the colossal devastation that occurred there.
  • The many prehistoric and historic emigrations to the British Isles (of Iberians, Celts, Gaels, and so on) were for the most part returns. During the so-called “Age of Catastrophe,” titanic cataclysms (following on from those that destroyed Atlantis) displaced the original inhabitants of Britain forced to flee to the Continent across land bridges now lost beneath the waves.
  • The Druids were Aryans. This word has been deliberately misinterpreted to signify members of a race. However, the term truly refers to a spiritual caste. It is also the true name of Ireland, correctly rendered Ariland or “Land of the Arya.” The term can be correctly rendered Eri, signifying the earth goddess of the ancient Druids. Etymologically, ari and eri are found as roots in terms and names such as area, terra, Tara, Mary, Hera, Benares, Armenia, Aramaic, and aristocracy, etc.
  • The language of the Arya is now referred to as Aramaic and Hebrew. However, these languages have been fraudulently put before us by duplicitous linguists and other so-called “experts.” They are not “Semitic” and were not invented by early Jews or Canaanites. On the contrary, the twenty two letters of the Hebrew alphabet are based on the ancient Irish or Aryan alphabet. Specifically, the so-called “Hebrew” alphabet was the sacred alphabet of the adepts ensconced in Britain and Egypt. It was the non-hieroglyphic “hieratic” script of hierophants, the sacerdotal alphabet of the Ibaru who were not the ancestors of modern religious Jews. On the contrary, they were the original Judites, Judges and Wise Ones; the architects of high civilizations eventually brought low by desecrators who appropriated, corrupted and misrepresented their sacred leitmotifs. According to researcher Tony Bushby, the shapes of the twenty two “Hebrew” letters were based on the serpentine shadows cast by sunlight passing through the now lost crystalline capstone on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza. These “letters” were assigned to the twenty two cards of the Tarot which originated in Ireland, and the twenty two “paths” on the Kabalistic “Tree of Life.” (Let us not doubt that the concept of a sacred tree was known to Western adepts – British, Nordic and European – millennia before the rise of Judaism and Christianity.)
  • Terms and names such as Israel, Israelite, Jew, Judite, Yahud, Jehovah, Adonai, Aton, Amen, Elohim, Christ, Jesus, Messiah, Joshua, Isaac, David, Solomon, Moses, Hiram, and so on, were originally Druidic or Aryan appellations. Some of these terms were titles denoting senior members of Druidic colleges. These terms were plagiarized and deliberately mistranslated and misassigned to obscure the facts about the origins of religion.
  • Judeo-Christianity is an adulterated form of Druidism and Amenism. The vast majority of tenets, doctrines, terms and symbols of modern religion are the result of deliberate plagiarism. They are based on ancient Aryan theology and astro-theology. Practically every deed and word we see and hear from members of the orthodox branches of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, is designed to conceal these controversial facts.
  • The adulterated form of Druidism and Amenism may be referred to as Atonism. Atonism is the foremost basis for the monotheistic elements found in Judeo-Christian theology. That modern experts foam at the mouth denying this fact does not make it less true. The truth is that Christianity was not conceived by egalitarian Jews or Essenes, Mandeans, Stoics, Therapeuts or Alexandrian Gnostics, as many misinformed researchers and authors assert. Most of these oriental sects were branches of ancient Atonism. The same can be said of Mithraism and Talmudism. The Jewish Jehovah – also referred to as Adonai – is none other than Aton, god of light.
  • The emperors who codified and established Christianity were members of Solar Cults that were outer cells of a more secretive Atonist lodge. Senior members of the Claudian, Piso and Flavian dynasties of Rome worked closely with wealthy and powerful Sadducees and Pharisees to establish the Christian religion. This Atonist quorum feared the rise of other religions with egalitarian tenets and “Druidic” elements. To suppress rivals and strengthen imperial dominion, they funded duplicitous scribes and compilers (such as Paul and Marcion) to create Christianity, basing their “Jesus Christ” on many ancient solar heroes and deities. The sidereal motifs found throughout the Scriptures prove this beyond all doubt. Nevertheless, the god of the Bible – Jehovah – was not the god of the Jews, as most academic historians falsely allege. He was the god of Solar Cult priests and pharaohs, themselves descended from the Hyksos nobility cryptically referred to in the Old Testament as “Israelites.” (This term derives from Isa, god of the Western Arya and their descendents, and Amen Ra, god of the ancient Egyptian kings.)
  • The so-called but misnamed “Jewish” co-conspirators who directed the operations of the Roman Caesars and Emperors, were Atonists. Specifically, they were leaders of the Order of Melchizedek (or Akhenaton). They were Pharisees and Sadducees of high rank, and keepers of the so-called “Oral Tradition” allegedly delivered to their ancestors at Mount Sinai. This quorum of sorcerers were also known as the Gaonim. In order to conceal their identity they began using the term Freemason meaning “Sons of the Sun.” The capitalized letter “G” found on Masonic iconography refers to this super-secret Luciferian cabal. The lower case serpentine – g – signifies the Serpent Brotherhood or Dragon Court to which Atonists and Gaonim belong.
  • The Gaonim have nothing in common with modern religious “Jews.” Terms and appellations of this kind do not refer to the kind of sects or beliefs we might at first imagine. They refer to a caste of sorcerers descended from the corrupt Solar Cults (or Luciferians) of antiquity. Members of the British royal family are Judites, even though they belong to the Protestant religion. The Pope and his bishops and cardinals are likewise Judites, even though they belong to the Catholic religion. The word Tudor derives from Juda or Judah, as do the terms judge, tutor, and Teuton. These facts are known to members of Masonic Orders and other Judaic-Atonist enclaves. To them religious affiliations mean little and are merely a form of camouflage which serves to dupe the world’s uninformed masses.
  • The founder of Atonism was Pharaoh Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV). He is cryptically referenced in Jewish history under the pseudonyms Moses, Zadok and Melchizedek. He was not an enlightener, as ninety eight percent of the world’s writers and historians apparently imagine. On the contrary, he was a megalomaniac who ravaged Egypt and violently destroyed its many marvels. He was finally ousted from power and expelled from the country. As researcher Ralph Ellis has shown, the rise of Akhenaton’s monotheistic beliefs and warped brand of Solar Theology coincided with an important astrological phenomenon, namely the precessional transition of the sun out of the sign of Taurus into Aries. (For more on this see Volume Two.)
  • Akhenaton’s Atonists were members of the Hyksos nobility or so-called “Shepherd Kings.” However, in our opinion these controversial kings were of Scythian (or Gaelic) ancestry. In other words they were from the West. During and after the Age of Catastrophe, their ancestors (the pure Arya) fled from Britain to Northern and Eastern Europe, and from there further Eastward toward Syria, Palestine, China, Japan, Pakistan and India. Although the Scythians of later ages were originally affiliated with the Megalithic Arya, some of their number became spiritually and morally corrupt. Today, a few mainstream historians and archeologists hesitatingly accept that Western “Celts” (as they are erroneously called) had settlements in the Middle and Far East. This is because these migrations were relatively late, historically speaking. They date from approximately 600 years BC onward. Modern academics dare not accept or acknowledge earlier Megalithic migrations from the West to the East. As we said, this idea leads to a plethora of vexatious questions that “experts” habitually and contemptuously ignore.
  • Modern-day revisionists Ralph Ellis, Moustafa Gadalla and Ahmed Osman – following on from Comyns Beaumont and other maverick geniuses – conclude that the so-called “Israelites” and “Judites” of the Old Testament were none other than the Hyksos-Atonists first expelled from Egypt at the beginning of the eighteenth dynasty, and again later during the reign of Akhenaton. On this point we are in full agreement. We further assert that the Hyksos-Atonists were originally Scythians from the West. We also assert that Akhenaton’s first wife Nefertiti and her daughter Meritaten were Scythians.
  • The exiled Scythian-Hyksos-Atonist-Israelites did not disappear from the world and did not spend any time in “Captivity.”  They were a super-wealthy Pharaonic dynasty with powerful connections throughout the world. After the fall of Akhenaton their descendents eventually migrated to their ancestral homes in the West in order to establish a new empire. From Britain they exercised control over their many lieutenants in Athens, Rome, Tanis, Alexandria, Judea, and elsewhere. The British Empire is unquestionably the Atonist Empire upon which the sun (Aton) never sets. (The Union Jack is in fact a symbol of the Union of Jacob.) The Empire’s founders and maintainers have unleashed untold mayhem for centuries and have caused unfathomable suffering throughout the world. Our work is dedicated to the exposure of these psychopathic plutocrats and the ruin of their antihuman industry. Until this Lodge is correctly identified and destroyed, common or garden political activity and civic reform will prove ineffectual.
  • The coming of the Atonists was recorded by Irish and Scottish annalists. The records refer to the invaders as Milesians, after their leader King Mil (known to the Scots as Gathelos or Gaythelos, which is probably were we derive the term “Gael,” meaning “stranger.”) Officially, the Milesians are believed to have crossed over to Ireland from Spain around 600 BC. However, we believe these dates have been deliberately falsified. The Atonist invasion probably occurred nearly one thousand years before the official dates given. The falsification occurred because historians have been directed to date the Gaelic invasion of Ireland, suppression of the Druids, and creation of Christianity to the period following the rise of Rome (700 BC), not before. As we said, the ancestors of the Milesians (the Scythians) were originally Irish. They had been displaced to Europe and the Middle East after experiencing the havoc of the Age of Catastrophe.
  • Eradicating the Druids proved to be a difficult task for the Milesian-Atonists. They eventually called on their agents in Rome and elsewhere to lend a hand. In our opinion, the imperialist activities of Alexander the Great, Julius and Augustus Caesar, and other Greek and Roman tyrants, were mercenary actions funded and directed by high-ranking Atonists ensconced in Britain. This same British-based cabal also financed the establishment of the Christian Church in Byzantium (Constantinople) and finally in Rome. Christianity was and is hybridized Druidism. It has usurped the place of the unadulterated school once known and respected throughout the world. Furthermore, Irish Culdean (or Atonist) monks – in charge of cannibalizing Druidic traditions – became tutors of the Templar nobility of Britain and Europe. (Merovingian kings Merovee II and Dagobert II received their early education in Ireland.) The Culdeans, together with their Templar and Cistercian scions, were “preservers” of cannibalized Druidic traditions. This is the second reason why pagan elements are to be found in the doctrines and iconography of Christianity. It is the reason for the rivalries that eventually erupted between hardliner Papists and “Gnostic” types such the so-called Celtic Church of Ireland, and between Papists and Knights Templar.
  • Members of the British, French, German and Swiss Merovingian dynasties were, and still are, Atonists. Powerful secret societies such as the Order de Sion, Knights Templar, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, and so on, are funded and operated by elite royals (and other elusive entities, such as the Roman Circle or College of Cardinals), who are either biologically or ideologically related to the Hyksos-Atonist-Judites of antiquity. Members of these groups are “Luciferians” or “Princes of Light.”
  • The modern-day architecture of control and so-called “New World Order” is the brainchild of Atonist imperialists whose existence we expose throughout our work. The majority of the symbols permeating the corporate and religious world denotes this Atonist Cult of Luciferians. Their “New World Order” is a architecture of control designed to replace the “Old World Order” lost to them in ages past. This cult of sorcerers – the Gaonim or Exilarchs (the Princes and Brothers of Light, or of Aton) – exercise control over human beings politically and theologically. The religions they have spawned serve to control man’s emotions and pacify his rebellious spirit, while their political orgs offer him a semblance of superiority and power. Tantalized with chimeras of positive social change and technical progress, and blinded by the “light of Aton,” man remains psychologically arrested. Consequently, he presents no threat whatsoever to Establishment figures who habitually treat him as a disposable pawn on their geopolitical board game.
  • The modern-day architects of control are not scions of some indefinable “mystery religion,” as many Christian conspiracy buffs allege. They are initiates of secret fraternities created by the same Black Lodge responsible for the establishment of the Christian Church. Therefore, Christians who seek to expose the workings of secret societies are largely ignorant of vital facts concerning their own allegiances. They are handicapped by not knowing that the very religions to which they belong were established and financed by the same Atonists who fund and direct the secret societies. The Atonists have cunningly divided society in order to pit one faction against another. While the “opposames” witlessly ride their seesaws, the Atonist presence remains concealed. Nevertheless, the Judaism, Protestantism, Catholicism, Zionism, Islam and Masonry known today are “brands” manufactured by the Atonist “corporation” or Black Lodge. Therefore, only those free from political and religious bias can successfully combat the nefarious intelligence that has preyed over mankind for so many ages.

Servants of Aton

There is some evidence that one of the Flavian emperors may have converted to Judaism even as Constantine later converted to Christianity – Richard A. Gabriel (Jesus the Egyptian)

One day soon the world will finally realize that high civilizations existed in the North-Western hemisphere prior to the tenth millennia BC, and that the knowledge man has gained in recent ages is but a paltry recapitulation of prediluvian wisdom. Unbiased and open-minded “experts” within the academies of the world may soon agree that the elements of civilization germinated in Western lands, and that there were, in remote ages, relationships between Western and Eastern nations. They may finally acknowledge the facts about the true origins of Judaism and Christianity and shed light on the sinister Atonist cabal that has long directed the operations of the Western world’s religions and governments. We can but hope.

For many generations, the Hyksos-Scythian-Atonist chiefs and their descendants have worked their sorcery from behind more familiar sects and cults. These include:

  • The Aaronites
The Levites (or Judites)
The Zadokites (Sons of Zadok or elite Sadducees)
  • The Gaonim (or Princes of Light)
  • The Zionists (or Sionists)
  • College of Cardinals (and related societies such as the Knights of Malta, Opus Dei & Knights of Columbus, etc)
  • The Knights Templar
  • The Freemasons
The Rosicrucians
  • Order of St. Michael and St. George
  • Order of the Garter

We believe that members of eastern enclaves were not the only men in cahoots with the Atonists. Members of elite families in western lands, such as Vespasian, Titus, Claudius, Poppaea, Constantine, Theodosius and Justinian were we believe also seduced by their power. Several members of the Flavian dynasty of Rome, for example, rose to power because of their allegiance with the descendants of Akhenaton. The actions of these men were directed and funded by a powerful Atonist quorum whose existence has been largely unknown until recent times.

Emperor Titus was the son of Emperor Vespasian (7-79AD) of the Flavian dynasty. According to certain records (in the works of Tacitus, Suetonius, and Josephus), Vespasian was associated with elite Jews, such as procurator Tiberius Julius Alexander and Alexandrian priest Basilides. According to a few researchers, Vespasian and his Eastern allies created the religion that would eventually become Christianity. As the arch-conspirators funded the creation of their new religion, they saw to it that rival cults and sects were undermined and exterminated. Vespasian’s successor, his son Titus (79-81 AD), ransacked Judea, slaughtered one million people or more, and had the sacred treasures of the Temple of Jerusalem transported under guard to Rome. We believe the Flavians were merely servants of “Atonist” elites who considered certain powerful sects in Alexandria and Judea a threat to their hegemony. They feared the advent of a “Gnostic” type religion that would incorporate Druidic and Amenist theological elements. Fearing diminution of their power, they directed their Roman and Roman-Jewish lackeys to fund “Paul” and other scribes. These scribes were to plagiarize and cannibalize ancient doctrines so that a new empire-galvanizing religion could be concocted. As we show in the following chapters, the Roman oligarchs worked closely with the shadowy elite Sadducees of Judea to suppress revolt and expand theocratic and imperial power. These groups were directed by the highest-ranking Atonists in Britain – Michael Tsarion (Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol. II)

The Sadducee high priest, appointed by the Romans, was assassinated by the Zealots, and a major terrorist campaign was launched against other Sadducees who had aligned themselves with Rome – Baigent and Leigh (The Messianic Legacy)

There is no room for doubt that the presence of many learned men from Egypt who maintained close contact with the emperors (e.g., Chaeromon of Naucratis or Dionysus of Alexandria…) contributed to the popularity of the Egyptian cults at the Imperial court – Dr. Margarita Tacheva (Eastern Cults in Moesia Inferior and Thracia)

Claudius was also positively disposed toward Egyptian religion, and Nero…had an Egyptian teacher, Chaeromon, who saw to the dissemination of Egyptian knowledge at Rome…Vespasian dedicated a large statue of the Nile to Rome…Together with his son Titus, he spent the night before their triumph over Judea (71 AD) in the temple of the Roman Isis…Titus is probably the anonymous “pharaoh” depicted in front of the Apis bull in the catacombs of Kom el-Shuqafa in Alexandria – Erik Hornung (The Secret Lore of Egypt)

Emperor Vespasian took possession of all Jewish religious artifacts that had previously been safely stored in the Temple, including the precious Torah, and stored them in the Capitoline Jove in Rome. He then proclaimed the entire Jewish territory the Roman Emperor’s persona property. And had his decision officially ratified by the Senate…Josephus recorded that Vespasian personally kept the Torah, revealing that it had at sometime been recovered from Rabbi Jesus Cunobeline and replaced in the Temple…the great Temple of Jerusalem was no longer, and the Jews had been disposed of their land, their treasure and the physical substance of their religion – Tony Bushby (The Bible Fraud)

The Romans…harbored no hostility toward the Jews whom they though more ethical and religiously observant than the Greeks. The Romans knew that Judaism  was a religion of great antiquity and respected this. Jews had a reputation as ethical people among the Romans and were granted full religious liberty. Many Romans became “God-fearers,” that is practitioners of Judaism observing all precepts except circumcision…There is some evidence that one of the Flavian emperors may have converted to Judaism even as Constantine later converted to Christianity – Richard A. Gabriel (Jesus the Egyptian)

He is brought in chains to Rome, but against tradition, and because of their legal title to the Emperorship, he is greeted and freed of all charges. He and his family live splendidly in Rome, in the Palace of the British, given them by the Emperor – Tony Bushby (The Bible Fraud, on British King Caradoc’s treatment after his capture)

As far as we can judge with hindsight, the goal of the strategy was the complete substitution of the ruling class of the Roman Empire with the descendants of the priestly family that had survived the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. This was achieved in less that three centuries, by which time all the ancient religions had been eliminated and substituted with Christianity, and the primitive Roman nobility had been virtually annihilated and replaced by members of the family of priestly origin that had accumulated all the power and wealth of the Empire – Flavio Barbiero (The Secret Society of Moses)

The Aryans

Cities may burn, floods may destroy, pestilence may kill, and wars may ravage, yet a word may survive – Henry Binkley Stein (Thirty Thousand Gods Before Jehovah)

Although the priests of Aton were monotheistic, Atonism itself was a corrupt version of earlier sacred traditions. The theology of Atonism was built on the age old foundations of Amenism and Druidism. The facts about the Amenists and Druids have, however, been deliberately obscured by the ideological descendants of the Atonists who have funded and directed so-called “historians” to skew the facts about Egypt and Ireland and distort the meaning of many important terms and titles.

One of the most misunderstood and misapplied titles is “Aryan.” Its origins are much more interesting than we might at first imagine. To this day Ireland is known by the Gaelic appellations Eire and Erin. But where do these terms come from? In fact, they refer directly to the primordial goddess Eri or Ari. Therefore, the syllables either denote or connote the goddess after whom Ireland was named. In many cases, wherever word roots such as ari, ara, eri, and so on, are found, they connote or denote the land of Ireland specifically or, alternatively, the Western hemisphere. They signify men of the West, their sacred land and beloved goddess.

Goddesses permeated Ireland. Mountain, rivers, valleys, wells, all testified to her presence. Around the eleventh century, Ireland became known predominately as Eire, a name derived from the Goddess Eriu, one of the triple Goddesses: Eriu, Banba, and Fotla…Eriu makes it clear that anyone wishing to enter Ireland would have to revere the goddesses if they wished to prosper and be fruitful – Mary Condren (The Serpent and the Goddess)

As to the original homeland of the Arya, we take the view of researchers Ignatius Donnelly, Anna Wilkes, Conor MacDari and Comyns Beaumont who stressed that the ancestral habitat of the Arya lay in the West. Donnelly specified the lost prediluvian continent of Atlantis, and we agree wholeheartedly with his assertion. The lands of the North-West – namely Britain, Scandinavia, Iceland, Greenland, and perhaps even the Arctic climes – are in our opinion remnants of lost Atlantis. There is ample evidence for this contention, even though the facts have long been suppressed by academics who would rather that vexatious questions about man and his true history are never sufficiently answered.

…the Aryans were autochthonous neither in Europe nor in Central Asia, but had their original home somewhere near the North Pole in the Paleolithic times, and that, they migrated from this place southwards in Asia and Europe, not by any “irresistible impulse,” but by unwelcome changes in the climatic conditions of their original home. The Avesta preserves traditions which fully support this view. But these have been treated as valueless by scholars, who worked up their theories at a time when man was regarded as post-glacial, and the Avestic traditions were, it was believed, not supported by any Vedic authority. But with the time-telescope of a wider range supplied to us by recent scientific discoveries it has become possible to demonstrate that the Avestic traditions represent a real historical fact and that they are fully supported by the testimony of the Vedas – L. B. G. Tilak (The Arctic Home in the Vedas)

The North Pole is already considered by several eminent scientific men as the most likely place where plant and animal life first originated; and I believe it can be satisfactorily shown that there is enough positive evidence in the most ancient books of the Aryan race, the Vedas and the Avesta, to prove that the oldest home of the Aryan people was somewhere in regions round about the North Pole – ibid

…the strongly substantiated proof of the frequent travelling of Sagas from people to people, and their taking root among many different groups, shows that the majority of basic myths have a fixed point of radiation—their place of creation. Thus, in their outward form, they are only comprehensible on the basis of a completely distinct point of origin – Alfred Rosenberg (Myth of the Twentieth Century)

The solar myth, with all its ramifications, did not arise spontaneously as a stage of general development, but was born where the appearance of the sun must have been a cosmic event of profoundest significance, that is, in the far north. Only there would the year be sharply divided into two halves, and only there would the sun represent a certainty in man’s innermost being of the life renewing, primal creative substance of the world. And so today the long derived hypotheses becomes a probability, namely that from a northern centre of creation which, without postulating an actual submerged Atlantic continent, we may call Atlantis, swarms of warriors once fanned out in obedience to the ever renewed and incarnate Nordic longing for distance to conquer and space to shape. These currents of Atlantic men moved by water in their swan and dragon ships into the Mediterranean – ibid

The Druids

Druid colleges existed in many regions due to the guardian role of the Celtic race all across Europa. Druids, or Hibernian Gnostics as they might be called, were known to be fluent in several languages – John Lamb Lash (Not in His Image)

The high priests of Ireland – the original Arya or Aryans – were commonly known as “Druids.” In Volume One we analyzed this word and discussed the beliefs and relevance of this ancient priesthood. We showed just how many insidious falsehoods have been deliberately disseminated about their origin and beliefs. Fortunately, the truth about this mysterious pre-Celtic priesthood is slowly coming to light:

The true Celts were a tall, fair race, warlike and masterful…who spread their dominion both by conquest and by peaceful infiltration over Mid-Europe, Gaul, Spain, and the British Isles. They did not exterminate the original prehistoric inhabitants of these regions…but they imposed on them their language, their arts, and their tradition, taking, no doubt, a good deal from them in return, especially in the important matter of religion. Among these races the true Celts formed an aristocratic class – T. W. Rolleston (Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race, 1911)

Although the term Druid is local, their religion was of deep root, and a distant origin. It was of equal antiquity with those of the Persian Magi, the Chaldeans of Assyria, and the Brahmins of Hindustan. It resembled them so closely in its sublime precepts, in its consoling promises, as to leave no doubt that these nations, living so widely apart, were all of the same stock and the same religion-that of Noah, and the children of men before the flood – W. Windwood Reade (Veil of Isis)

For, without the Druids, the Kings may neither do nor consult anything; so that in reality they are the Druids who reign – John Chrysostom (fifth century Christian Bishop of Constantinople)

…it is they who command, and kings on thrones of gold, dwelling in splendid palaces, are but their ministers, and the servants of their thought – Dion Chrysostom (Greek Philosopher, on the Druids)

The Druids are men of penetrating and subtle spirit, and acquired the highest renown by their speculations, which were at once subtle and profound. Both Caesar and Mela plainly intimate that they were conversant with most sublime speculations in geometry and in measuring the magnitude of the earth – Ammianus Marscellus (Historian 350 AD)

…the Druids or Derwydd…were the sublime and intellectual philosophers who directed the machineries of the state and the priesthood, and presided over the dark mysteries of the consecrated groves – W. Windwood Reade (The Veil of Isis)

…follow me to a corner of the world where, at least for many ages religion was preserved in its pristine purity, and whose priests…were received as martyrs in heaven before they had learned to be knaves upon earth. It was an isolated spot unknown to the world in the earlier ages of vice. It is now a kingdom renowned for its power and for its luxuries from hemisphere to hemisphere. It was encircled by the blue waters of the German and Atlantic Seas, and abounded in the choicest gifts of nature. It was called The White Island from those cliffs which still frown so coldly upon Gaul, and The Land of Green Hills from its verdant mountains. Come with me to its shores, and I will show you its priests in their white robes, and its warriors in the blue paint of war, and its virgins with their long and glossy yellow hair. But first I will lead you back into the past, and relate to you why this land was called Albion, and why Britain – ibid

Ages of Catastrophe

At the end of the Pleistocene about 10,000 years ago, there was an extinction event that decimated the large terrestrial mammalian herbivores and carnivores of North America, South America and Australia. In North America alone, more than thirty two genera of mammals became extinct…The cause of this extinction is debatable – R. W. Graham (Evolution of New Ecosystems at the End of the Pleistocene)

The world is unaware of the existence of prediluvian civilizations for the simple reason that they no longer exist. As the majority of myths and legends tell us, the continents that housed them were destroyed in a violent cataclysm. And this premise is now scientifically confirmable. Evidence exists to show that between 10,000 and 13,500 years BC our planet was wrecked by a natural cataclysm of unimaginable proportions. The devastating catastrophe was recorded by numerous tribes and nations, and is mentioned in the earliest Irish legends. Due to its disruptive geospheric effects, the earth suffered subsequent upheavals. Significant disasters (tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes) shook the world at 8,000, 6,000, and 3,000 years BC. The Mycenaean Drought, eruption of Thera in the Aegean, Storegga Tsunami of Scandinavia, rise of aridity throughout the Sahara region of North Africa, rise of the waters of the Mediterranean, dwindling of the vast Saraswati River in the Indus Valley in Pakistan, and prolonged Bronze Age famine of Britain are just a few of the super-catastrophes known to have occurred at different periods after the original global “Age of Catastrophe.” Legends from all over the world, which tell of the fall of the prehistoric continents Atlantis and Lemuria, record a real and exceptionally traumatizing episode in humankind’s history. We dealt with the great catastrophe and subsequent trauma to consciousness in Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation.

The Flood, to the world generally a vague and nebulous tradition, really conceals the most appalling visitation and its ravages in the British Isles and Scandinavian lands may be retraced to more considerable extent by the effects of what geologists term the “Drift” Age. It was no mere ice drift. It was sudden and terribly swift and violent – Comyns Beaumont

Old World Disorder

Concerning the Sphinx…Another inscription shows that it was consecrated to the god Ra Atum, or the “Sun in the West,” thereby connecting it with the “lands toward the setting sun,” with “the place of the dead,” and with the country of their ancestors’ origin – Edward F. Malkowski (Before the Pharaohs)

In The Irish Origins of Civilization we covered the aftermath of global cataclysm and showed that nature’s fury was particularly devastating to Britain and Scandinavia. These land were so smitten they were referred to as “Lands of the Dead.” So horrific was the onslaught that Western elders were, along with the aboriginal inhabitants of Britain and Scandinavia, forced to vacate their homelands for new territories in Europe and Asia. Wherever the elders traveled they were received as veritable gods. They and their people have been referred to by most historians as “Celts.” They are, however, properly distinguished by the following more accurate titles:

  • Aryans (Arya, Aryo, Ari, etc)
  • Goths (Gots, Guts, Gets, etc)
  • Nordics

Gaels, Iberians and Scythians were descendants of these illustrious Megalithic ancestors. The Druids were members of the world’s forgotten Stellar, Solar and Lunar Cults, and there was not a savant of antiquity who did not know of the existence and significance of these Western elders:

…a caste incorporating all the learned professions. The caste not only consisted of those who had a religious function but also comprised philosophers, judges, teachers, historians, poets, musicians, physicians, astronomers, prophets and political advisers or counselors – Peter Berresford Ellis (The Druids)

The elder race excelled in sciences such as geometry, astronomy and navigation, and also in metasciences such as astrology and geomancy. In European and Asian history the original Megalithic elders appear as the following:

  • Shemsu Hor (Disciples of Horus)
  • Phoenicians (Arcadians)
  • Sumerians (Sum Ari)
  • Chaldeans (The Magi)
  • Cabiri (or Kab Ari)

Simply substitute Irish or Scots-Irish for “Phoenician” and the webs of deception spun by mythmongers melt leaving the truth about world history to brightly shine forth.

As we explain in the introduction of Volume One, we do not regard the term “Celtic” as an accurate description either of the Megalithic Irish or of their European descendants. Recent scientific research strongly supports our contention that the term was merely the concoction of propagandists and mythmongers. As one perceptive commentator said, the Irish were Celticized. We find ourselves in complete agreement with this statement and cannot forget that the inaccurate “history” of the early Irish was concocted by their destroyers and colonizers:

What makes it difficult, however, to measure the extent of this influence, as well as the mythico-religious significance of the monuments themselves, is the fact that the liturgy and mythology which constituted their frame of reference are almost wholly missing. The druids did not commit their teaching to writing, and consequently the whole of their sacred literature perished with the eventual extinction of their language – Otto Hermann (The Celts)

After Christians had spent years destroying books and libraries, St. John Chrysostom, the pre-eminent Greek Father of the Church, proudly declared, “Every trace of the old philosophy and literature of the ancient world has vanished from the face of the earth” – Helen Ellerbe (The Dark Side of Christian History)

The two invasions of Ireland by King Henry were bloody and ruthless culminating in the complete and utter dismantling of Tara to bare Earth and the final destruction of almost all remaining non – Christian Irish texts –

None of the Celtic source literature is by druids…In Ireland, the amount of poetic/druidic material in manuscripts…is substantial…the bulk of the source material is unpublished, and still untranslated – R. J. Stewart (Celtic Bards, Celtic Druids)

The earliest Christian missionaries found the native religion extinct, and themselves took the name of Culdees from inhabiting the Druids’ empty cells – Prof Todd (Quoted in Bonwick’s Irish Druids And Old Irish Religions)

Evidence from the Heavens

Col. Vallencey has proved, as clear as the sun at noon, that the ancient gods of the Greeks and Romans came from the Hyperboreans – Godfrey Higgins

Proof that a supremely educated elder race of adepts lived for extended periods of time in Northern Europe and Asia is made evident from a study of astronomy. Astronomically, certain cycles of luminaries, planets, stars and constellations may only be observed and noted from specific locations on earth. These various sidereal cycles are of such immense duration that they simply cannot be reckoned by any tribe or nation not geographically stable for an extended period. In short, the exceptional class of men responsible for precise astronomical calculations, and resident at the requisite geographical location, were the Megalithic Irish and Nordic elders displaced to Europe and Asia from shattered Western habitats. They were the Hyperboreans or Atlanteans, and it was they and their descendants who were the world’s first master astronomers, astrologers, geomancers, and cyclopean monument designers.

They profess to have great knowledge of the motions of the heavens and the stars – Pomponius Mela (on the Druids)

As scholar Godfrey Higgins explained:

In his treatise on the origin of the sciences in Asia, that most excellent man and great astronomer Baillie has undertaken to prove that a nation possessed of profound wisdom of elevated genius and of an antiquity far superior even to the Egyptians or Indians, immediately after the flood, inhabited the country to the north of India between the latitudes 40 and 50 degrees – (Anacalypsis)

Coincidently, we find that the megalithic yard, a measurement used by ancients in the construction of stone circles and other megalithic or cyclopean sites, gets more mathematically precise as we move westward. This in itself proves beyond doubt not only that sites of greater sophistication were older that those of less antiquity, but that the mathematics and geometry used in their construction was conceived by western rather than eastern adepts. (See Appendix II for more on this subject.)

The megalithic yard is much older…and was certainly in use in Britain as early as 3500 BC, at which time the Minoan civilization was still a full thousand years short of its ultimate emergence. Since there is little or no evidence of the existence of the megalithic system within central or southern Europe, the inference must surely be that the Minoan civilization ultimately responded to ideas that had originated further West – Alan Butler and Stephen Dafoe (The Knights Templar Revealed)

On the existence of an antique polar civilization Gene D. Matlock writes:

Several thousand years ago, a highly civilized and cultured people lived happily and abundantly in a paradise near the northern polar regions. All the major religions on earth, of whatever nationality, state emphatically that they were the original five races of mankind. In Judaism and Christianity, we call this paradise Eden. The Hindus call it Uttara Kuru. The Tibetan Buddhists call it Khedar Khand (Country of God Shiva) and Shambala. It was also called Sivariya or Sibirya (Land of God Shiva), now called Siberia. The ancient Greek historians and myths referred to it as Hyperborea. The Chinese Taoists don’t call it by a specific name, but they do describe it as a type of paradise where men lived in complete harmony with Nature – (What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico?)

And from L. B. G. Tilak, expert on the Aryan Vedas, we read:

The spinning round of the heavenly dome over the head is one of the special characteristics of the North Pole, and the phenomenon is so peculiar that one may expect to find traces of it in the early traditions of a people, if they, or their ancestors ever lived near the North Pole. Applying this test to the Vedic literature, we do find passages which compare the motion of the heavens to that of wheel, and state that the celestial vault is supported as if on an axis – (The Arctic Home in the Vedas, 1903)

…if we read some of the passages in the Vedas, which have hitherto been considered incomprehensible, in the light of the new scientific discoveries we are forced to the conclusion that the home of the ancestors of the Vedic people was somewhere near the North Pole before the last Glacial epoch – ibid

The Migration of Words

In Irish the word for “saint” (niamh) is akin to the word “heavens” (neamh) – Patrick McCafferty and Mike Ballie (Celtic Gods)

In Appendix XVII we deal with the subject of etymology and briefly examine the theory concerning a parent or root language. At this point we can simply note that a lot of evidence for the eastward spread of the Arya, and of later Scythians, can be found from a study of words and place names. The author T. W. Rolleston provides us with many examples demonstrating cultural dispersion:

The word dunum, so often traceable in Gaelic place names in the present day (Dundalk, Dunrobin, etc,) and meaning fortress or castle, is another typically Celtic element in European place-names. It occurred very frequently in France – e.g., Lug-dunum (Lyons), Viro-dunum (Verdun). It is also found in Switzerland – e.g., Minno-dunum (Moudon)Eburo-dunum (Yverdon) – and in the Netherlands, where the famous city of Leyden goes back to a Celtic Lug-dunum. In Great Britain the Celtic term was often changed by simple translation into castra; thus Camulo-dunum became Colchester, Bran-dunum Brancaster. In Spain and Portugal eight names terminating in dunum are mentioned by classical writers. In Germany the modern names Kempton, Karnberg, Liegnitz, go back respectively to the Celtic forms Cambo-dunum, Carro-aunum, Lugi-dunum, and we find a Singi-dunum, now Belgrade, in Servia, a Novi-dunum, now Isaktscha, in Roumania, a Carro-dunum in South Russia, near the Dniester, and another in Croatia, now Pitsmeza. Sego-dunum, now Rodez, in France, turns up also in Bavaria (Wurzburg), and in England (Sege-dunum, now Wallsend, in Northumberland), and the first term, sego, is traceable in Segorbe (Sego-briga), in Spain. Briga is a Celtic word, the origin of the German burg, and equivalent in meaning to dunum…One more example: the word magos, a plain, which is very frequent as an element of Irish place-names, is found abundantly in France, and outside of France, in countries no longer Celtic, it appears in Switzerland (Uro-magus, now Promasens), in the Rhineland (Broco-magus, Brumath), in the Netherlands, as already noted (Nimègue), in Lombardy several times, and in Austria – (Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race, 1911)

  • For more information on the this subject, refer to Chapter Fourteen of Volume One, entitled: The Lost Language of the Ancients. Proceed also to Appendix Seventeen.

Hyksos, Saxons, Scythians

Osiris came from the west according to myth. He was born from the sea. He appeared as a local god in the city of Ded in the Nile Delta. Isis was sometimes called the goddess of the west – Henry Binkley Stein (Thirty Thousand Gods Before Jehovah)

As we show in Volume One – in our chapter on the Milesian invasion of Ireland – ancient records inform us that the Celtic or, more correctly, Gaelic Scythians of Europe were closely allied with the Egyptian nobility of the Delta region, those same Hyksos. Old Irish annals refer to the descendants of Scythians who had lived in Egypt as “Milesians.” This name was taken from their chieftain Mil or Mile, known to the Scots as Gathelos.

The vast majority of British historians prefer to deal with the Milesians after their vacation of Egypt. They concentrate on the Milesian conquest of Spain and avoid dealing with historical anecdotes that speak of their time on the Nile. This omission alerts us.

Nevertheless, when the dots are connected a fascinating story comes to light, not only concerning connections between ancient lands and peoples, but the origins of the world’s premier secret societies and their so-called “New World Order.”

In our opinion the so-called Scythians of Europe were the people Egyptologists refer to as the “Hyksos” nobility of Egypt. The Hyksos were identical to the so-called Israelites of the Bible. If our Scythian-Hyksos connection is correct, then we have from the annals strong confirmation of the West to East transit of the elements of civilization.

Furthermore, we can offer a more logical explanation for the word “Saxon,” and why some researchers believe Saxons and Israelites to have been one and the same. Some investigators believe the word Saxon to be a derivation of Saca (or Saka, Sakai, or Saga) denoting “Scythian.”

Allegedly this word gives us the name Isaac or, more properly, Ish Sac, meaning “Man of the Saca.” According to the Bible Isaac was the son of Abraham who was,  along with his wife Sarah, the first “Israelite” to enter the land of Egypt. The name Isaac indicates that Abraham and his descendants were Scythians. We think this likely, although we are cautious when consulting official accounts concerning this prophet and his spurious emigration.

The Sakai were among the most distinguished people of Scythia, who settled in Armenia, and were called Sacae-Sani – Pliny the Elder (Roman Historian)

The Saxons were descended from the ancient Sacae of Asia – Albinus (Tutor of Charlemagne)

In any case the etymology suggests the Scythians were indeed Hyksos nobility. Therefore, it follows that the Scythians were the Biblical Israelites. Additionally, the etymology suggests that the so-called “Anglo-Saxons” were descendants of the Scythian-Hyksos-Israelites.

We see no reason to doubt that Gaelic Scythians traveled to Egypt as the ancient Irish records state. Their city near Galilee, called Scythopolis, has been excavated by archaeologists. And we can be sure that other settlements existed in the region, as well as in the Nile Delta area. Therefore, since the Scythians and so-called “Israelites” (the Hyksos of Egypt) were so intimately connected, it is quite correct to refer to Saxons of the Western lands as “Israelites,” although not for the reasons given by orthodox Jews, Christians and British-Israelites who generally believe the Israelites to have been a ragged but God-inspired underclass cruelly oppressed by despotic Egyptian slave masters. That supposition is unsupported by the facts, and has now been openly refuted by leading Jewish historians, such as Max Dimont and others. It was an unsustainable concoction from start to finish:

As Martin Bernal in Black Athena noted, ever since late Antiquity, writers have seen links between the Egyptian records of the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt, the biblical tradition of the Exodus, and the Greek legends of the arrival of Cadmus and Danaus. Heccataeus of Abdera, a Greek historian of the fourth century BC…set out his view that the traditions of the Egyptian expulsion of the Hyksos, the Israelite Exodus and that of Danaus’ landing in Arcadia, were three parallel versions of the same story – David Livingstone (The Dying God)

Personally, we think it likely that the Scythians were connected not only to the Hyksos but Cretans, Mycenaeans, Philistines and Amorites of Mesopotamia. We also believe Aryans from the Western hemisphere traveled into Eastern Europe and Asia long before the time of the Scythians. We believe the Scythians were among those displaced to Europe from Britain and Scandinavia after the Age of Catastrophe. It was a corrupt but powerful warlike group that decided to make their way to Egypt during the thirteenth dynasty.

Arya in the East

The Mahabharata reports of the Indian hero, Arjuna, that during his visit to the mountain of Meru, the sun and moon daily passed around from left to right. Such an idea could never have originated in the tropical south, for only in the far north does the sun disc roll along the horizon. A prayer is also addressed to the Indian Adityas: May the long darkness not come over us, and it is complained of bright Agni that he had tarried too much in the long darkness, all of which can only be attributed to the long Hyperborean night – Alfred Rosenberg (Myth of the Twentieth Century, 1930)

Regardless of whether Western Goths were related to or descended from proto-Scythians or earlier Aryan emigrants, they succeeded in reaching Egypt, India and China. Recent archaeological evidence shows us that fair-skinned Westerners made homes along the Indus Valley in Pakistan, in the Indian Kush, and in China’s Cherchen region and Tarim Basin. Examinations of the hair, clothing and accoutrements of long buried men and women in these far Eastern locations clearly identifies them as Nordics from Denmark, Norway and Sweden.

Physicians in Shanghai who studied the preserved corpse came up with some baffling new information about the blond mummy of China. Whoever she was, she died with high levels of cholesterol in her muscles—and inexplicable traces of the silvery white metalloid element antimony in her lungs – Charles Berlitz (World of the Odd and the Awesome)

When Victor Maire, Professor of Chinese Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, and archaeologist J. P. Mallory returned from China, they told their colleagues of what they had seen: perfectly preserved 4,000 year-old mummies, desiccated by dry desert sands. Tall white women with blonde hair, pigtails and tattoos; tall white men with brown beards; tiny white babies with blue eyes; woven fabrics of tartan and bonnets made of soft dyed wool…What were Caucasians doing in the wastelands of China 4,000 years ago? – Maurice Cotterell (Jesus, King Arthur and the Journey of the Grail)

The Jats (elite Sikhs) of Northern India may be an late offshoot of the Arya. Or they may be the descendants of later Scythian emigrants. This much is confirmed by the Sikh historians and Sikh people who have always maintained their that race came to India from the West. Likewise, the Yuezhi of China appear to have a connection to visitors from the West.

Enough exists to show that the Nordic Gods were the same as the gods of the Levant. The gardens, halls, warfare, altars, sacrifices, marriage and family life were the same – (Priesthood of the Illes)

Together with these primeval Aryan Atlantic memories appear those cult allegories, costumes, carvings which are understandable only in terms of Nordic origin. In predynastic Egypt, we find the Nordic boat with its swan neck and trefoil. But the rowers are the later ruling Amorites, already recognized by Sayce as fair skinned and blue eyed. They once traversed north Africa as strictly homogeneous hunter clans which gradually subdued the entire land. They then migrated somewhat further, across Syria and toward the future site of Babylon. The Berbers, among whom even today one finds light skins and blue eyes, do not go back to the Vandal invasions of the fifth century A.D., but to the prehistoric Atlantic Nordic human wave – Alfred Rosenberg (Myth of the Twentieth Century, 1930)

The Amorites founded Jerusalem, and they formed the Nordic weft in later Galilee, that is, in the pagan region whence Jesus is said to have come. The Amorites were then augmented by the Philistines, who also brought to Syria hitherto unknown Nordic ship designs, with axe and trefoil as the stem symbols – ibid

Suddenly, around 2400 B.C., there appear reliefs of men with fair skin, reddish blond hair and blue eyes, those blond Libyans of whom Pausanias later reports. In the tomb paintings at Thebes, we find four races of Egypt represented: Asiatics, negroids, Libyans, and Egyptians. The last are depicted with reddish pigmentation; the Libyans, on the other hand, are always shown bearded, with blue eyes and white skins. Pure Nordic types are shown on a grave of the Senye dynasty, in the woman on the pylon of Horemheb at Karnak, by the swanboat people on the temple relief at Medinet Habu, and by the Tsakkarai who founded Phoenician sea travel. Light skinned men with golden hair are shown on the tombs at Medinet Gurob. In the most recent excavations in 1927 in the mastabas at the pyramid of Cheops, the Princess and Queen Meres Aneh (2633-2564) were found depicted with blond hair. Queen Nitokris, legendary and surrounded by myths, is likewise always said to have been blond. All these are racial memories of a prehistoric Nordic tradition in north Africa – ibid

I want to advance some reflections on the religiosity of the Indo-Europeans – that is to say, the Indo-European speaking peoples originating from a common Bronze Age nucleus  – who have always exerted a significant influence on the government and spirit of predominantly Nordic races. Just as by comparing the structure of the Indian, Persian, Sacaean, Armenian, Slavic and Baltic languages, and of the Greek, Italian, Celtic and Teutonic dialects, we can reach a conclusion as to a common or primal Indo-European language, approximating to the latter part of the early Stone Age, in the same way, an examination of the laws and legal customs of the different peoples of Indo-European language reveals a primal Indo-European feeling for law. Similarly, from a comparison of the religious forms of these peoples we can identify a particular religious attitude emanating from the Indo-European nature — a distinctive behavior of Indo-European men and people towards the divine powers. So it is that certain common religious attitudes, which originally were peculiar to all peoples of Indo-European language, reveal the identity of an Indo-European religiosity. But since in fact all Indo-European nations represented different types moulded on the spiritual pattern of the Nordic race, the origin of these common religious attitudes may be identified in a religiosity which is characteristically Nordic, emanating from the spiritual nature of the Nordic race – Prof. Hans F. K. Gunther (The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans)

Trade relationships, it seems, had been established between Egypt and Europe during the Early Dynastic Age, and merchants travelled immense distances to bring luxury items to adorn the palaces and tombs of the pharaohs. We have noted too that even before the founding of the First Dynasty, lapis-lazuli from the borders of Pakistan had reached Egypt in considerable quantities. Thus also gold used in the jewelry of Khasekhemwy (Dynasty 2) was found to have originated in the Carpathian Mountains in Romania. Such far-reaching links appear to be out of the question in the early third millennium BC (the date normally given for Khasekhemwy). The arrival in Egypt of gold from north of the Danube speaks of a highly developed system of international trade, some of it apparently conducted by sea. And this impression is further reinforced by the discovery in Early Bronze Age Troy…the city destroyed in the great cataclysm, of artifacts made of tin-bronze. The only sources of tin known to the ancient world were in Europe: Bohemia and the Atlantic west, northern Spain and Britain. It is generally assumed that the first tin to reach the Near East was from Bohemia, yet mineralogist John Dayton has argued persuasively for Britain as the primary source of the material: mainly due to the fact that in Britain, and here alone, tin and copper are found together in the ground, already mixed, in ore-form. For Dayton, the evidence says that true bronze was invented in Britain, and nowhere else, which, if correct, means – Emmet Sweeney (The Genesis of Israel and Egypt)

In our work we maintain that the term Jew did not refer to those using it as a appellation in recent history. It referred to the Arya and “Men of the Trees.” This is the reason why Judaic (or Jewish) terms are found in the Far East. It is not because religious Jews travelled to the far flung corners of the world, but because the Arya had done so. As H. Westropp explains:

The colonization of the Jews in Palestine under Cyrus and his successors appears very like a new occupation, rather than a return. It is evident that there were more of them beyond the Euphrates than ever made their homes in Judea. Their leading class bore the title of Pharisees, perhaps from their Persian affiliations…The patriarchal names are very similar to those of the Brahmin  divinities: Brahma and his consort Sara-Iswati, his son Ikshwaka, and great-grandson Yadu. The ruins of the temple of Peace, or Tukht Solumi, have  been found in Cashmere, and many names of the Bible and Western Asia, like Yuclia, Dawid, Arabi, Cush, Yavan, are also indigenous to the region of  the Indus – (Ancient Symbol Worship)

Sadly, Westropp and many other authors who analyzed the symbolism of the ancient races, believe the “Jews” to be the same people as those known by that sobriquet today. Those who have not bought into the propaganda and who have dug deeper, know this is simply untrue.

One of the names for Eastern Scythians was Getes or Gets, connoting “Goat.” These people are very likely the same as Mesopotamian Guts or Guteans who founded one of the most powerful ancient dynasties in the region. Although the following quoted researcher, like so many others, erroneously imagines the migrations to have be from the Eastern to the Western hemisphere, his analysis in other respects is most insightful. It reveals the facts that have been kept from us for centuries by complicit historians who would rather we not know the truth about the origin, nature, and movement of the ancient races of the world:

In a rather bold paragraph in their recent book on The Tarim Mummies, James P. Mallory and Victor H. Mair suggest that there may have been more cohesion among these nomads than was previously believed. They wrote in the following paragraph regarding the Yuezhi nomads near the border of China:

Da (Greater) Yuezhi or in the earlier pronunciation d’ad-ngiwat-tieg, has been seen to equate with the Massagetae who occupied the oases and steppelands of West Central Asia in the time of Herodotus; here Massa renders an Iranian word for “Great,” hence “Great Getae.” …Others have seen in this word an attempt to capture in Chinese the name of a tribe that is rendered in Greek as the Iatioi who are recorded in Ptolemy’s geography. The original pronunciation has been reconstructed as gwat-ti or got-ti or gut-si, which opens up distant lexical similarities with the Goths (the German tribes of northern and eastern Europe), the Getae (the Dacian, i.e., Balkan, tribes northwest of the Black Sea), the Guti (a people on the borderlands of Mesopotamia), the Kusha (our Kushans), the Gushi (a people mentioned in Han texts and regarded as brigands along with the peoples of Kroran), or a combination of some but not all of the above (Mallory and Mair 2000, 98-99).

…comparison of like-sounding tribal names, although merely a paragraph in length, could potentially generate volumes of discussion and can help us understand more definitively the nature of the barbarian invasions in ancient Rome, the powerful Kushan Empire in India, the possible origins of the Guti people, the Guti kings of Mesopotamia, and the similarity between the Goths, Getae, and the Yuezhi. Moreover, this opens up the possibility that at least some of the people termed “Scythians” were a single tribe — the Getae. So could there have been a nation of nomads who knew themselves as Gets, Gats, Guts, or Yuts?

This is not the first time that the suggestion has been offered that the Yuezhi could be related to Goths. In his Tableaux Historiques De L’Asia, Julius Von Klaproth (1783-1835) wrote:

The name of Yueti or Yut recalls that of Yuts or Goths, which came to Europe: it would be very possible that the Yutes who arrived in Scandinavia with Odin, are the same people who three centuries before our era, still inhabited the area…northwest of the Chinese Kansu province. This would suppose the emigration of the Goths of Central Asia after that of the other Germanic peoples.

This identification between the Yuezhi and the Goths by Klaproth suggests that the tribes involved in the movement of nomads into Roman territory may have been greater than modern scholarship holds. Could it be that the Goths, along with the Alans, were pushed into Europe under pressure from the Huns? Moreover, could these same tribes be found in the Indian and Persian frontiers? The South Asian Jats are one such group that may lead us in the proper direction, as their settlement corresponds geographically with the Indo-Scythian settlement on the Indian subcontinent. Perhaps by examining the customs and characteristics of this living population we can better understand the role the Getae played in history – Sundeep S. Jhutti (The Getes)

The evidence revealing the presence of the Arya in Eastern Europe, Egypt, Asia, and the Americas has been suppressed. The powers-that-be do not want the true origins of civilization to be widely known. They have seen to it that questions concerning the West to East migration of the elements of civilization are never broached by academics. Instead of the truth we are forced to ingest irrefutable errors. However, many perceptive researchers, not willing to fall into lockstep with the official consensus on history, have seen through the smokescreens and disinformation. Their discoveries provide us with insight into all that has been hidden from view when it comes to prehistoric migrations and the connections between ancient peoples.

The Egyptians themselves claimed that their ancestors were strangers who in very remote times settled on the back of the Nile, bringing with themselves the civilization of their motherland, the art of writing and a polished language. They had come from the direction of the Setting Sun and they were most ancient – Diodorus Siculus (Ancient Greek Historian)

When modern academics composed reference books about early Egyptian history, they scrupulously avoided mention of the impressive body of ancient evidence attesting to the celestial rulers of predynastic Egypt – Tony Bushby (Secret in the Bible)

Classical archaeologists are in agreement that ancient migrations did take place in prehistoric times, although they often tend to be rather hazy about the dates and the countries involved – Ralph Ellis (Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs)

The religion of the ancient peoples seems to have been one throughout the entire world; a great brotherhood, a universal faith. Strange has been the impulse of priests and theologians to deviate from the ancient holiness which was so solemn and majestic in primeval days, and to instruct the masses in false doctrines – E. Valentia Straiton (The Celestial Ship of the North)

The Egyptians were sublime philosophers who had dictated theology to the world. And in Chaldea arose the first astrologers who watched the heavenly bodies with curiosity as well as with awe, and who made divine discoveries, and who called themselves The Interpreters of God – W. Winwood Reade (Veil of Isis: Or Mysteries of the Druids)

…Egypt is highly unusual, in that the early craftsmanship and construction from the Old Kingdom are the finest and the quality and dimensions of each monument reduce from then on throughout the following millennia – Ralph Ellis (Eden in Egypt)

The predynastic Egyptians, that is to say, that stratum of them which was indigenous to North Africa, belonged to a white or light-skinned race with fair hair, who in many particulars resembled the Libyans, who in later historical times lived very near the western bank of the Nile – E. A. W. Budge (Egypt in the Neolithic and Archaic Periods)

Among the ancient crania from the Thebaid in the collection in the Department of Human Anatomy at Oxford, there are specimens which must unhesitatingly be considered to be those of Nordic type – L. H. Dudley Buxton (The Peoples of Asia)

…the famous Egyptologist (Prof. Walter B. Emery), author of “Archaic Egypt”…discovered the remains of individuals who lived in the predynastic epoch. These presented a dolichocephalous skull, larger than that of the local ethnic group, fair hair and a taller, heavier build. Emery declared that this stock wasn’t indigenous to Egypt but had performed an important sacerdotal and governmental role in this country. This race kept its distance from the common people, blending only with the aristocratic classes and the scholar associated them with the Shemsu Hor, the “disciples of Horus”…The Shemsu Hor are recognized as the dominant sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt (until approximately 3000 B.C.), being mentioned in the Turin papyrus and the list of the kings of Abydos – Vittorio Di Cesare and Adriano Forgione (Malta: Skulls of the Mother Goddess)

It is singular to find a white race spoken of in the ancient monuments. Dr. Brugsch, the learned German, notices the word Tam-hou or white men. As it occurs on tablets dated 2,500 years before Christ, it is puzzling to indicate the people. Brugsch traces them to Libya. Champollion recognized in the Tamh’ou a type of European ancestry. M. Deveria remarks upon hieroglyphics recording the fact that Horus, the god, leading and guiding a white race. As there are still many Celtic monuments in the north of Africa, over many hundreds of miles, he contends for the existence of an original Celtic people in Egypt, or, in modern language, that the Welsh and Irish were once in Egypt – James Bonwick (Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought, 1878)

Nobody knows just who these blue-eyed, fair-skinned people were, or even where they came from…Anthropologically, they were termed Caucasians…These people, Elliot Smith concluded, were more than intelligent enough to accomplish the amazing building feats that the modern world marvels at on the banks of the Nile – Gerald O’Farrell (The Tutankhamen Deception)

The Druids worshipped deity under the form of the Equinoctial Bull, as did the early Hebrews and Egyptians, and under the form of an erect monolithic stone, the Hermetic pillar or “gilgal,” of which so many are found in Palestine to this day – Frank Higgins (Ancient Freemasonry)

The Arya of Persia

In the Zagros hills and across the plain to the Tigris, there lived a…fair-haired…people akin to the Guti (Goths) who…remained in what was afterwards Assyria – C. Leonard Woolley (Sumerians)

A man would think the Persians learned all their magic from them – Pliny (on the Druids)

From the sixth century B.C. on, Iran underwent a vast expansion by the Aryan Persians. Under Arshama, there arose one of the greatest personalities of Indo-European history, Spitama (Zoroaster, or Zarathustra). Concerned about the fate of the Aryan minority, he developed an idea which is only now beginning to revive in the Nordic west—protecting the race by endogamy within kin. But since the Aryan ruling aristocracy were sparsely scattered, Zoroaster tried to reinforce this imperative by creating an ideologically bound community of faith. Ahura Mazda, the eternal god of light, became a cosmic idea—the divine protector of Aryans everywhere. He had no special abode or temple like the gods of the orient and even of later Rome. He was simply the holy whiteness of perfection. His enemy is the dark Ahriman who is locked in struggle with him for world domination – Alfred Rosenberg (Myth of the Twentieth Century, 1930)

When the ancient Greek writers wanted to distinguish the Assyrians from the Arameans or Syrians, the Greeks called the Assyrians ‘Leucosyri’— meaning ‘whites’ or ‘blonds,’ as distinct from the very brunette Syrians who still live in Mesopotamia – Dr. Herman Hoeh (Plain Truth, January 1963)

In 1907, a large number of clay tablets were found in the palace archives of Boghazkoy, the capital of the ancient Hittites in the north of the Anatolian plateau. These tablets contain the first recorded mention of the name ‘mithra’ who, together with the Lord of Heaven, is invoked as the protector of a treaty between the Hatti (= Hittites) and their neighbors, the Mitanni. The date of the treaty is somewhere in the fourteenth century BC – M. J. Vermaseren (Mithras, the Secret God)

Indo-European religiosity is not slavery, it contains none of the implorings of a downtrodden slave to his all-powerful lord, but comprises rather the confiding fulfilment of a community comprising Gods and men. Plato speaks in his Banquet (188c) of a “mutual community (philia) between Gods and men”. The Teuton was certain of the friendship of his God, of the astvin or the fulltrui whom he fully trusted, and with the Hellenes in the Odyssey (XXIV, 514) the same certainty is found expressed in the words “friends of the Gods” (theoi philoi). In the Bhagavad Gita of the Indians (IV, 3) the God Krishna calls the man Arjuna his friend. The highest deity such as Zeus is honoured as “Father of the Gods and of men” — as a family father, as Zeus Herkeios, not as a despot. This idea is also expressed in the names of the Gods: Djaus pitar with the Indians and Jupiter with the Romans. The name of the Indian God Mitra, which corresponded to Mithra in Iran, means “friend”. Mazdaism, founded by Zoroaster, called the morally acting man a friend of Ahura Mazda, the One Universal God, who in the era of Achaemenides became the God of the Persian Empire. According to Plato (Laws, IV, 716) the man of moderation and self-control is above all “a friend of God”– Prof. Hans F. K. Gunther (The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans)

Horned God-Men

“The Roaring Lion”…This relief on the house of Caius Manilius, in the Via del Portico d’Ottavia, shows a lion (the symbol of Rome) seizing a deer – (Rome, Knopf Guides, 1994)

The word Scythian derives from the root Saca, from which come words such as sacred, sacrament, sage, saga, and stag. The root is most likely a variation of a word referring to the stag god of the ancient Irish. This stag god is also known as Cernunnos or Herne. The word Zak, or Ztakh, means “stag.” A pseudonym for the Scythians was Scuts, which can also be rendered Scots.

Horned animals such as the stag, goat, and ram, were sacred to the Scythians, Goths, and Druid Elders of Western lands. The images of the male stag and female hind can be found on many coats of arms and on the heraldry of many old and illustrious families.

The god Horus was often represented with the horns of both a ram and a goat – Frank Higgins (Ancient Freemasonry)

The signification of Osiris as the living phallus connects him with Mendes, another place where he was worshiped, and with the sacred goat – Erich Neumann (The Origin & Evolution of Consciousness)

The Red Men

…have all deep blue eyes, and bright red hair – Herodotus (on the appearance of the Scythians)

And he sent, and brought David in. Now he was ruddy (red) and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look at – Dr. Donald Redford (Egypt, Canaan and Israel in Ancient Times)

The Scythians were “Celts” or, more correctly, Gaels. This term connoted “purity” or “whiteness.” The term Goth has a similar meaning. One group of Goths were known as Visigoths, which means “white” or “wise” Goths. (Here for more.)

It is surely pertinent that almost all traditions which refer to culture-heroes…describe them as white, tall, bearded, and invariably superior to the aboriginal peoples among whom they appeared — often suddenly — to impart laws, crafts and useful information – D. S. Allan and J. B. Delair (When the Earth Nearly Died)

On the right we see a mosaic showing a Goth. The word literally meant “Goat Man,” “Good Man” or “God Man.” The syllable got (and also get and gut) refers to the goat. The term Goth has been purposely mistranslated to mean “Bucket Men,” or “Those Who Pour.” Similarly, and equally preposterously, the term Scythian has been mistranslated to mean “Men of the Spears,” in an attempt to have the world believe the Scythians were barbarous European horseback-riding invaders. In fact, as the Irish and Scottish annals relate, in the early days the Scythians (under Fenius Farsa and his sons) had colleges of language and esoteric learning all over the globe, and around 1400 BC a particular group of Scythians were privileged guests in Egypt. (Here for more on Fenius Farsa.)

The names of the ancient people and rivers of Spain…undoubtedly conferred by the Phoenicians, when collated with the Gaelic, exhibit equally satisfactory evidence of the identity of that language with the Phoenician, without an exception – Sir Walter Bentham (The Gael and the Cymbri, 1834)

Monsieur Gebelin, who is called by Colonel Vallencey a great luminary of learning says, the Greek or Pelasgian, before the time of Homer and Hesiod, sprung from the Celtic, and from the same Celtic, the Latin and Etruscan: all facts which I think cannot be disputed – Godfrey Higgins (Celtic Druids)

That the Hebrew and Irish languages reciprocate many of their words is as true as that the people who once spoke Hebrew had a common origin with those called Celts – Anna Wilkes (Ur of the Chaldees)

The termination words in Celtic and Latin differ, but it is curious how the root forms of the Latin are discoverable to be Celtic. The proper names of the oldest Latin families are formed on a Celtic basis, thus – Claudius, Catullus, Cato, Pompeius, Lucullus, Camillus, Marcus, etc. – ibid

Although Welsh enthusiasts claim the greatest antiquity for their tongue, many philologists lean to the Irish language. Elton affirms that it “seems to be of all the Celtic languages the farthest removed from the Latin;” and that “the oldest Irish is found to be the original, not merely of the modern Erse, but also of the Manx.” Ussher found it nearest to Hebrew. O’Flaherty traced it to Phoenicia. Sir William Temple regarded it as an original language. H. O’Brien sees Hebrew derived from this primordial tongue. From Hamilco we should learn that the Carthaginians of his day thought more of the Sacred Island “extensively inhabited by the Hiberni,” than they did of the Island of Albiones (Britain) – James Bonwick (Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions, 1894)

The languages of the Aryans and the Semites differed essentially, though there are points of connexity between them. The Aryan language was immensely superior – Ernest Renan (History of the People of Israel Till the Time of King David)

…many of the gods worshipped at Memphis were considered by Herodotus to be Phoenician deities – Samuel Sharpe (Egyptian Mythology and Egyptian Christianity)

Above left we see a photograph of a Nordic-type male with blond hair and beard. He has been burned red by the sun. In ancient days when men from the West arrived in the Near East or Asia, on ships or on horseback, with their piercing blue eyes, tattoos, and copper jewelry, they were taken for gods and referred to as “red men.” This is rendered “Edomite” in the Bible.

In Scripture Phoenicia was closely related to Edom, both meaning “red man”…They had, moreover, kings before Israel and were among the most highly civilized of the early races in the most distant prehistoric times – Comyns Beaumont (The Riddle of Prehistoric Britain)

Another feature to be observed of the Giants is that nearly always they are described as red-haired, as were the Adamites and Edomites, names derived from the Hebrew adom or edom, red or ruddy…The same applies to the Phoenicians of like stock, whose name is but a derivation of the word meaning red or carroty, relating to a ruddy-faced people – ibid

…many personalities are alluded to in the Biblical texts by their predominant ‘redness’…King David was, for absolutely no apparent reason, said to be red – Ralph Ellis (Solomon:Falcon of Sheba)

The casual Roman attitude toward slavery…is well illustrated by the famous anecdote about Pope Gregory the Great’s…first encounter with Englishmen. He notices them on sale while passing through the Roman market and, taken by their blond beauty, asks what manner of men they are. “Angli” (Angles or Englishmen), comes the reply. Witty Gregory indulges himself in a pun, saying they are aptly named for they look like angeli, angels – Thomas Cahill (How the Irish Saved Civilization)

In the Zagros hills and across the plain to the Tigris, there lived a…fair-haired…people akin to the Guti (Goths) who…remained in what was afterwards Assyria – C. Leonard Woolley (Sumerians)

Greek historians knew that the mystery school of Pythagoras was actually inspired by a Western Scythian known as Abaris, a name that should probably be rendered Ab Ari, meaning “Great One of the Ari or Arya.” In any case, Abaris was clearly a Western adept. The words abbe and rabbi (meaning “priest”) come from the same root as Abaris.

…Himerius speaks of Abaris, the sage, from Scythia, but well acquainted with Greek, with this description: “Abaris came to Athens, holding a bow, having a quiver hanging from his shoulders, his body wrapt up in a plaid, and wearing trousers reaching from the soles of his feet to his waist.” Cicero knew Divitiacus, who professed the knowledge of Nature’s secrets, though regarded as a Hyperborean. Could these have been the Scythians from Tartary, the descendants of the wise men who gave their religion and the arrow-headed letters to Assyrian-Semitic conquerors, who had come down as Turanian roamers to the Plains of Babylon, and whose Chaldæan faith spread even to Egypt and Europe? It would seem more probable – James Bonwick (Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions, 1894)

…there was Abaris, a Druid and a native of the Shetland Isles who traveled into Greece, where he formed a friendship with Pythagoras and where his learning, his politeness, his shrewdness, and expedition in business, and above all, the ease and elegance with which he spoke the Athenian tongue, and which (so said the orator Himerius) would have made one believe that he had been brought up in the academy or the Lycceum – W. Winwood Reade (The Veil of Isis)

Scythians, Atonists, Templars

The Druidical religion prevailed not only in Britain, but likewise all over the East – Edward Vaughan Kenealy (Book of God)

As stated above, we believe that a contingent of Western Scythians were at one time close allies of the Egyptian Atonists. Indeed, there is reason to believe that these Scythians were the Atonists of Egypt. Because Atonism is the root both of Judeo-Christianity and Freemasonry, it does not surprise us to see Masonic Orders such as the Knights Templar employing symbolism that connotes the Scythians and Atonists.

In our estimation, the very insignia of the Templars (two knights riding a single steed facing West) commemorates the Scythian-Hyksos or Scythian-Atonist blood bond.

The so-called “Double Cross of Lorraine” appears to us to be another prominent Masonic emblem connoting the same tryst. Interestingly, Charles de Lorraine, of the French House of Lorraine, was apparently the main patron of Adam Weishaupt and his Illuminati. Weishaupt’s political and social ideologies are known to have influenced American presidents John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson, as well as many other influential personages throughout the world. The Illuminist or, more correctly, Atonist emblems appear on American bank notes and in the architecture of most towns and cities.

Furthermore, Benjamin Franklin’s code name was “Moses.” His personal design for the American one-dollar-bill depicted the Israelites leaving Egypt during their exodus. (For more information on this, refer to Volume One, chapter forty two, and to our DVD entitled The Irish Origins of Civilization.)

The Tuatha de Danann were the ancient inhabitants of Ireland who were forced to give way to the Gaels and to become the gods of Celtic imagination, the lords of the subterranean world. There is no doubt that the name Tuatha de Danann was given to the pre-Celtic inhabitants of Ireland and that it must have been they who built the megaliths. Their uncertain origins combined with their curious stone constructions give them a cloak of mystery…If the Celts drove out the megalithic peoples of Ireland, there is no reason why the same thing should not have happened on the continent, where much of the region occupied by the Celts still bears traces of megalithic monuments – Jean Markale (The Celts)

The Sarmatians were a tribe connected to the Scythians, roamed and dominated the Southern Russian Steppes, and buried their dead in Kurgens, which resemble Celtic Cairns…They are now thought to have been the allied with the Amazons, since their women were known to be fighters, priestesses, and to ride horses with great skill during battle. They were primarily blonde. It is also believed that the myth of King Arthur arises from the Sarmatian riders who accompanied the Romans to Britain as mercenaries

Israel and Jesus (Two Irish Words)

Of course, there was an Israel! The name itself is used already at the close of the Late Bronze Age on an Egyptian monument to refer to the People of Canaan that Pharaoh Merenptah’s military campaign into Palestine fought against. But this is not the Israel that the Bible deals with – Thomas L. Thompson (The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology And The Myth Of Israel)

The truth about the origins of Israel and the so-called “Israelites” is covered at length in the Irish Origins of Civilization books and DVD series. This word Israel is made from three syllables: Is, Ra, and El. Each syllable appears to refer to the three great Cults of antiquity, namely, the Stellar, Solar, and Saturnian Cults. However, the fusion of syllables may also refer to the alliance between Scythian-Atonists and Hyksos-Atonists.

The origin of the syllable “Is” could be Iesa or Esa, sun god of the ancient Druids. The syllable “Ra” may refer to Amen Ra, who was the sun god of the ancient Egyptians. So, the word Israel may be a fusion of the names of two important sun gods. In this case, the suffix “el” may mean “messenger of” or “servant of.” An Israelite, then, would originally have been a messenger or agent of Esus and Ra. The word Israel indicates that there were indeed connections between the Amenists of Egypt and the Druids of Britain and Scandinavia.

The names of the patriarchal heroes, as that of God Himself, are non-Semitic…and go back to the earliest known civilizations in the near East, indeed of the world – John Allegro (The Chosen People)

The monuments prove that, quite early in the Dynastic Period, there was known and worshipped in Lower Egypt another form of the Sun-god who was called RA. Of his origin and early history nothing is known, and the meaning of his name has not yet been satisfactorily explained. It does not seem to be Egyptian – E. A. Wallis Budge (Tutankhamen: Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism)

In the Book of Genesis (Chapter  32, Verses 27 to 28), we read that the Israelite Jacob (the son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham) was renamed “Israel” by the Lord. Genesis also tells us that his elder twin brother was named Esau. Esau was also named Edom, meaning “red one.” In fact, this Esau is, according to the Old Testament, the ancestor of the so-called “Edomites.” In any case, can we surmise the name Esau to be Celtic (Scythian) in origin? Is it a rendering of Esus, the great lord of the Gaels, Goths, and Arya? Interestingly, the Book of Genesis describes Esau as a adept hunter. And that description certainly harkens back to Esus and to Herne, the animal and forest gods of the Western elders. The story of the twin brothers, Jacob (Israel) and Esau, appears to be taken from earlier myths of pagan peoples. The version of their story that appears in the ex-canonical Book of Jubilees, is strongly reminiscent of the Egyptian story concerning  the conflict between the twins Horus and Set.

The word Horus can be rendered in many ways. It can be found as Horos, Heru, Hor and Ha. The word means “boundary” or “circle.” Astrologically, it referred to the horizon, the boundary over which the sun god passes daily and yearly. The words hour, horizon, and horoscope come from the name of the Egyptian sun god.

A pseudonym for Horus was Iusa or Iusas. When the letter “I” is translated as “J,” we have Jusa or Jusas. This is the origin of the Biblical Jesus. He is simply a version of Horus, who was a version of the Irish Isa, Iesa, Hesus, Esus or Esa. Just because there are many variants in spelling and pronunciation of this antique name, does not change the fact that it refers to the antetype of most of the world’s most prominent sun gods:

The Celtic Heus or Esus was a mysterious god of Gaul. The Irish form was Aesar, meaning, he who kindles a fire, and the Creator. In this we are reminded of the Etruscan Aesar, the Egyptian sun bull Asi, the Persian Aser, the Scandinavian Aesir, and the Hindoo Aeswar. The Bhagavat-Gita says of the last that “he resides in every mortal” – James Bonwick (Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions, 1894)

The astounding fact is that whereas the Sadducean Judeans were never familiar with the name of the Messiah, His name was known to the British long before the memorable event transpired on Golgotha’s Hill. It was a name familiar on the lips of every Briton. The indisputable fact is that the Druids proclaimed the name first to the world…How the Druidic Priesthood knew the consecrated name so long beforehand is indeed a mystery in itself. The name ‘Yesu’ was incorporated in the Druidic Trinity as the Godhead – George F. Jowett (The Drama of the Lost Disciples)

Constantine was the ruling spirit at Nicea and he ultimately decided upon a new god…To involve British factions, he ruled that the name for the great Druid god, Hesus, be joined with the Eastern Savior-god, Krishna (Krishna is Sanskrit for Christ), and then Hesus Krishna would be the official name of the new Roman god – Tony Bushby (The Forged Origins of the New Testament. Article in Nexus Magazine: Vol. 14, Nu. 4)

Paul also introduced an important change to Jesus’ title of Christ (Christos). The Gospels tell us that his immediate followers called him “the Christ” (ho Christos), showing they regarded him as the prophesized Messiah. Paul dropped the definite article, calling Jesus simply Christos, turning it into a name – Jesus Christ – probably to emphasize his uniqueness and distance him further from the Jewish interpretation of his mission…Many authorities argue that…Paul was influenced by the pagan mystery cults of Rome, and that he freely borrowed concepts from them – Picknettt and Prince (Masks of Christ)

The Druid-Israelite Connection

The Druids were dressed in white robes, the Bard in blue. The Arch-Druid wore a golden breastplate set with twelve jewels, similar to the breastplate of the high priest of Israel. Such a breastplate has been found on a skeleton in one of the Stonehenge tombs – Fredrick Haberman (Tracing Our Ancestors)

As we show above, and as we will continue to show, the symbols, and icons and idioms that have been employed by Eastern peoples (Sumerians, Egyptians, Israelites, and others) derive from the Druidic canon.

They derive from the Stellar Gnosis that was studied to perfection in Ireland, and which was transported by the Druids throughout the world. These early travelers stunned the tribes they visited. The ancient nations knew and respected the Druids and many people, in search of truth, flocked to their colleges.

Even though the mythmongers could not resist incorporating the symbolism of the ancient Druids and Amenists, it was not of their own making. The pagan leitmotifs and references to the goddess tradition are not of Jewish origin, and rabbis have had some difficulty explaining the “goddess” imagery that appears in their scriptures:

She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her. Length of days is in her right hand; and in her left hand riches and honour. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her – (Proverbs 3:15-18)

Druidism and Judeo-Christianity

The Arch-Druid wore bands precisely resembling those which the Romish and English clergy wear now, and which a short time ago the students of our universities were compelled to wear in their public examinations – W. Winwood Reade (The Veil of Isis: Or the Mysteries of the Druids)

The Pope of Rome exactly resembles the Secular High-Priest of ancient Rome, and in Latin his title is the same – Pontifex Maximus. The office was probably an imitation of that of the Arch-Druid, who, as I have described, had supreme power over secular as well as ecclesiastical affairs, and who was surrounded by a Senate of the Chief Druids, as the Pontifex Maximus was by Flamines, and the Pope by Cardinals – ibid

The facts about the Western origins of the major elements of civilization have been cryptically referenced in the Bible and other Judeo-Christian scriptures. Indeed, Druidic elements can be found throughout the texts and traditions of the corrupted solar religions that assimilated and cannibalized the ancestral traditions of the elder race. A few of the more obvious examples are:

Noah and his ark
The great deluge
God’s wrath with mankind
Moses and the burning bush
The name of Jehovah (or Yahweh)
The twelve tribes of Israel
The Brazen Serpent in the Wilderness
The Trees of Life and of Good and Evil
References to the Mount of Olives and fig tree
The garden of Gethsemane
Judas hanging himself from a tree
Moses erecting a circle of 12 stones at Gilgal and Sinai
David and Goliath
The nativity and visitation of the three wise men
Joseph being a “carpenter”
Baptism of Jesus by John
Christ entering the temple at twelve years of age
Christ dying at age thirty-three
Christ’s ministry lasting 3 years
The Last Supper with chalice
The anointing and Eucharist ritual
The twelve disciples
The sermon on the mount
The crucifixion on Skull Hill
The internment, transfiguration, and resurrection
Joseph of Arimathea (supposed uncle of Jesus)

Of course, we are not told anything about the Druidic origins of Judeo-Christianity by the sanctimonious mythmongers whose deliberate and calculated misinterpretations serve to undermine the reason of Christians and Jews, thus preventing the true foundations of religion from coming to light. The mythmongers, ensconced in Britain and Rome, inverted the true story concerning the origins of religion. Their ideological descendants continue with the work of deception. The elements of civilization, they falsely contend, first moved from the eastern to the Western hemisphere. There can be no sanity in this world, politically or spiritually, until this lie is dashed and the true facts are brought to light.

Notably, in an Irish version of the gospel of St. Matthew, the phrase “there came wise men from the east” is rendered “the Druids came from the east.” In like manner, in the Old Testament, Exodus vii. II, the “magicians of Egypt” are made “Druids of Egypt” – James Bonwick (Irish Druids and Old Irish Religions)

According to the rather bizarre and improbable story, the ten Israelite tribes, after their release from captivity in Babylon, decided not to return to their beloved holy city of Jerusalem that they had been so long in building. Instead, they decided to move West. Allegedly, they followed their leader Jeremiah and crossed the Caucasus Mountain ranges into Europe. These so-called Israelites were apparently known as the “Sons of Isaac.” This term was also rendered “Isaac’s Sons” and, later, as “Saxons.” Therefore, the British-Israelite pseudo-historians have decided that “Anglo-Saxons” are originally “Aryan-Israelites” from Judea and Palestine. This may be true but, historically speaking, the migration of these so-called Israelites occurred in relatively recent times. So much had been going on in previous centuries when the men who truly and deservedly bore the titles “Israelite,” “Judite,” “Jew” and “Levite,” walked the Earth. Modern teachers have warily chosen to refer to early epochs as “Mythological Cycles.” They dismiss them and concentrate attention on relatively recent historical  times and events. In our work we explore the unadulterated meanings of the problematic terms Jew, Judite, Levite and Israelite. We explore the true origins of the names Jehovah, Yahweh, Adonai, and Elohim.

The truth is that the so-called “Israelites” of the Old Testament, were, in fact, wealthy pharaohs in Egypt. Investigations made in the last decade and a half, into the ancestry of the “Jews,” have conclusively proven this to have been the case. Recent research has served to uncover scandalous mythmongering and misuse of terms, titles, and words. Thanks to authors Ahmed Osman, Mustapha Gadalla, and Ralph Ellis, many key historical theories of earlier men of genius (Sigmund Freud, Karl Abrahams, Immanuel Velikovsky, Comyns Beaumont, Conor MacDari, and others) have been confirmed and reinforced. In short, we now know the true identity of the misnamed “Israelites” and “Judites” – the so-called “Twelve Tribes.” We know that once-upon-a-time they were identical with the infamous Hyksos pharaohs whose origins have been a bone of contention among Egyptologists for decades.

St. Patrick’s reputed success with the snakes is a rich metaphor to illustrate the ultimate triumph of orthodoxy over a pre-existing form of Christianity in Ireland, which consisted of sects like the Orphites. Even a sensible observer like Michael Viney agreed that the snakes ‘could actually have been a metaphor for the pagan druids and the symbol of their rival religion’ – Bob Quinn (The Atlantean Irish)

Origin of the Crucified Savior

Osiris and Horus were crucified as ‘saviors’ and ‘redeemers;’ the sufferings, death, and resurrection of Osiris forming the great mystery of the Egyptian religion. Prometheus, of Greece, was with chains nailed to the rocks of Mount Caucasus, ‘with arms extended,’ as a savior; and the tragedy of the crucifixion was acted in Athens 500 years before the Christian era – William W. Hardwicke (The Evolution of Man)

Below we see the Aryan Lord Vishnu with outstretched arms. He embraces and blesses the universe. In the center, we see Quetzalcoatl (the “Feathered Serpent”) on his cross. This god was described as being fair of complexion, that is, tall, blond, and blue-eyed. On the right, we see a sculpture of Osiris holding and Ankh, or cross of life, in either hand. Osiris was a “crucified” god. He appears in the Gospels as Lazarus. His early name, Wesir, is very near to the modern word “West.”

To the west, to the mansions of Osiris, To the west thou are going. Thou who were best among men, Who did hate the untrue – (Egyptian hymn to Osiris)

In Scandinavian mythology, god-man Odin hung himself upside-down upon Yggdrasil (the “World Ash Tree”) to attain enlightenment. The symbolism we speak of and see here did not arise because of the dispersion of Jews and Christians. No, the same high symbolism is found the world over because of the migration of the Arya. Like Quetzalcoatl, they too were fair-complexioned and from the West.

The mythographers have used many excuses in an attempt to disguise the Egyptian and Druidic origins of their symbolism and iconography. Most of the stories and tales in the Jewish books and Old Testament have undergone heavy revision. The accounts of Pharez and Zarah, David and Goliath, Salome and the Baptist’s beheading, forty days in the wilderness, Solomon and the two mothers, massacre of the innocents, and plagues of Egypt, for example, have each been given “the treatment.”

In the solar mythology, the sun god is regularly “crucified” as he crosses over the equinoxes and when he wanes towards the end of the year – D. M. Murdock (Christ in Egypt)

Osiris was represented as being stretched on the immense cross formed by the junction of the meridian and the equator. This deity was suspended in the Phrygian mysteries to a cruciform tree – Arthur Dyott Thompson (On Mankind: Their Origin and Destiny)

In all private religious associations and secret cults of later antiquity the members made use of a secret sign of recognition or union. This they carried about in the form, in some cases, of wooden, bronze, or silver amulets hung around the neck or concealed beneath the clothes, in others woven in their garments, or tattooed upon the forehead, neck, breast, hands, etc,. Among these signs was the cross, and it was usually described under the name “Tau” after the letter of the old Phoenician alphabet – Arthur Dewes (The Christ Myth)

the non-Christians possessed crosslike sacred objects and revered their idols of gods in the shape of a cross or in cruciform. In fact, Tertullian is very insistent on this point, stating of the Pagans, “your religion is all cross” and “your gods in their origin have proceeded from this hated cross” – D. M. Murdock (Christ in Egypt)

A number of Egyptian goddesses are likewise depicted in cruciform, with arms and wings outstretched, found in tombs and commonly on coffins – ibid

…regarding the cross and the image of a god in cruciform – or the crucifix – William Williamson states: “The cross…is a symbol of the highest antiquity, but the representation of a figure with the hands and feet pierced with nails belongs to a later period. The most ancient delineation of the cruciform attitude is the figure of the god in the vault of heaven, with outstretched arms, blessing the universe – ibid

The ritual lamentation of the divine sisters, Isis and Nephthys, for Osiris…is found in the temple remains of the island of Philae expressly connected with the representation of Osiris in the form of a crucifix, the God’s head standing on top of a four-barred Nilometer, faced by the mourning female figures – John M. Robertson (Christianity and Mythology)

Osiris has been found in this attitude. Also Vishnu as Witoba is presented as the crucified in what has been termed the crucifixion in space; the crucifixion without a cross, in which the god himself is the cross in a male form – Gerald Massey

Osiris was represented as being stretched on the immense cross formed by the junction of the meridian and the equator. This deity was suspended in the Phrygian mysteries to a cruciform tree – Arthur Dyott Thompson (On Mankind: Their Origin and Destiny)

We have evidence from the pyramid of Medum (Meidoun) that from 6,000 to 7,000 years ago the dead in Egypt were buried in a faith which was founded on the mystery of the cross, and rationally founded too, because that cross was a figure of the fourfold foundation on which heaven itself was built – ibid

The symbol of the cross originated as part of an ancient Egyptian initiatory rite, and eventually found its way into Christianity. The church stated that in its history, ‘there is no proof of the use of a cross until much later’ than the Sixth Century. It is recorded in Christian archives that the general use of the crucifix was ratified at the Sixth Ecumenical Council in 680…The Council decreed that ‘the figure of a man fastened to a cross be now adopted’ and the new church logo was later confirmed by Emperor Hadrian I (772-95). About a century later, the first pictures of Jesus Christ standing against a cross slowly started to appear – Tony Bushby (Secret in the Bible)

The attention of the writer having been called to the fact that all Indo-Germanic nations have worshipped crucified Saviours, an investigation of the subject was made. Overwhelming proof was obtained that the sun-myths of the ancient Aryans were the origin of the religions in all of the countries which were peopled by the Aryans. The Saviours worshipped in these lands are personifications of the Sun, the chief god of the Aryans. That Pagan nations worshipped a crucified man, was admitted by the Fathers of the early Christian Church. The holy Father Minucius Felix, in his Octavius, written as late as A. D. 211, indignantly resents the supposition that the sign of the cross should be considered as exclusively a Christian symbol ; and represents his advocate of the Christian argument as retorting on an infidel opponent thus: “As for the adoration of crosses, which you object to against us, I must tell you that we neither adore crosses nor desire them. You it is, ye Pagans, who worship wooden gods, who are the most likely people to adore wooden crosses, as being parts of the same substance with your deities – Charles Morris (Aryan Sun Myths)

Tertullian, a Christian Father of the second and third centuries, writing to the Pagans, says: “The origin of your gods is derived from figures moulded on a cross. All those rows of images on your standards are the appendages of crosses; those hangings on your standards and banners are the robes of crosses” – ibid

By the Sixth Synod of Constantinople (Canon 82), it was ordained that instead of the ancient symbol which had been the lamb, the figure of a man nailed to a cross should be represented. All this was confirmed by Pope Adrian I. (See Dupuis’s Origin of Religious Belief, and Godfrey Higgins’s Anacalypsis) – ibid

Who Were the Canaanites?

Despite the long regnant model that the Canaanites and Israelites were people of fundamentally different culture, archaeological data now casts doubt on this view. The material culture of the region exhibits numerous common points between Israelites and Canaanites in the Iron I period (ca. 1200–1000 BC). The record would suggest that the Israelite culture largely overlapped with and derived from Canaanite culture… In short, Israelite culture was largely Canaanite in nature. Given the information available, one cannot maintain a radical cultural separation between Canaanites and Israelites for the Iron I period – Mark Smith (The Early History of God: Yahweh and Other Deities of Ancient Israel)

In Appendix Seventeen, we deal with the problem of words and names and how they have suffered at the hands of mythmongers and deceivers. Here we seek to emphasize the deception that concerns the words Canaan and Canaanite. Officially, the name Canaan denotes a geographical location and a person, namely, the grandson of Noah. This so-called Canaan is, by way of his own son Sidon, allegedly the father of many tribes, namely, the Jebusites, Hivites, Arkites, Girgashites, Zemarites, Amorites, Sinites, Arvadites, and Hamathites. One obscure legend decleres Canaan to be the father of the Black-skinned nations of Africa, such as the Sudanese and Nubians.

As to place, Canaan defines a region that encompasses today’s Israel, Palestine and Lebanon, as well as part of Jordan, Syria, and north-western Egypt. In other words, after the sixth century BC, the land of Canaan was renamed Judea, and then, after the arrival of the Romans, the name was changed again to Palestine. In ancient accounts the word is usually spelled with a “K” as in “Kana” or “Kanan.” Like the words Kohen and Cain, it means “serpent priest.” We recognize this as a nomen denoting the ancient Aryan elders. The land of Canaan has long been associated with the ancient Phoenicians or Acadians, a ground that, in our estimation, originated in the Western hemisphere.

Before the time of the so-called Israelites, Canaan was part of the Akkadian Empire (circa 2300 BC). It was also home to the Amarru, Martu or Amorites. Later it was home to the Hurrians. The place was also visited and frequented by Tyrians and Philistines. By the second millennium BC, Canaan fell to the Egyptians, although during the reign of the Hyksos Kings (Seventeenth Dynasty), it was divided into districts ruled over by semi-independent governors.

The Hebrew patriarch Abraham and his wife Sarah allegedly entered into the land of Canaan at the direction of the Lord. They entered the land from outside of it, and took it for their inheritance.

Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you – (Genesis 12:1)

Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Command the children of Israel, and say to them: `When you come into the land of Canaan, this is the land that shall fall to you as an inheritance” – (Numbers 34:1-2)

Below is a map of the Middle East with the Biblical names for the various adjoining regions. The red spot indicates Canaan and the green spot indicates a place known as Ophir. Interestingly, like Canaan, the term Ophir (from oph) also means “serpent.” (Here for more on Ophir.)

Things become rather complicated when we discover that the term Canaanite, as it has been used in the Bible, may be misattributed. It may not refer to a people located in the region shown on the map above, and, furthermore, may not even refer to the region shown. In other words, as we’ve shown in Appendix Seventeen, it is likely that this ancient term, referring to the Serpent Priests and their knowledge, was, like so many terms and titles, appropriated by the mythmongers and deliberately misconstrued.

In his work entitled The Origins of Biblical Monotheism: Israel’s Polytheistic Background and the Ugaritic Texts, Mark S. Smith explains the the nature of the main problems besetting students of Canaanite history:

Despite the widespread scholarly use of the term “Canaanite,” I want to warn readers that I have largely avoided it…It is a misleading term that often clouds analysis. In the current scholarly environment, it is impossible to escape the debate over the relations between “Canaanite,” “Ugaritic,” and “Israelite,” as well as “Amorite.” The labels “Ugaritic” and “Canaanite” have been a matter of discussion since the discovery of the Ugaritic texts. In the 1960s, A. Rainey argued that Ugaritic is not Canaanite, because one Ugaritic text refers to a Canaanite with other foreigners, specifically an Egyptian and someone from Ash. Rainey also cites an Akkadian text from the site of Ugarit that refers to “the sons of Ugarit” and “the sons of Canaan.” Following Rainey’s lead, D. R. Hillers has suggested that the Ugaritic texts cannot be used to establish a Canaanite culture with which to compare developments in Israel. The denial of the equation of Ugaritic and Canaanite is correct, strictly speaking, but on the basis of linguistic criteria it is possible to defend a strong relationship between the two…Preferring the term “West Semitic” to “Canaanite,”

Smith continues to write on the problem, getting to the crux of the issue in the following passages:

N. P. Lemche goes farther than Rainey or Hillers. He disputes Rainey’s arguments that Ugarit was not part of Canaan. According to Lemche, one letter from the king of Tyre (EA 151) includes Ugarit in the land of Canaan; yet Rainey has seriously questioned this interpretation. There is the further issue of the historical significance of the term “Canaanite.” Lemche argues that “Canaanite” never appears in records used by “Canaanites” themselves: “to the scribe of ancient Western Asia ‘Canaanite’ always designated a person who did not belong to the scribe’s own society or state, while Canaan was considered to be a country different from his own.”

Lemche sees the biblical use “Canaanite” as an artificial construct largely deriving from the postexilic period. Lemche takes the conflicting descriptions of Canaanites in biblical and other Near Eastern texts as evidence that no such people or culture existed. In effect, Lemche relies on an argument from silence. Moreover, Lemche claims: “The Canaanites of the ancient Near East did not know that they were themselves Canaanites.”However, it seems odd to suppose that foreign courts from Egypt to Hatti to Mesopotamia used the term “Canaanite,” but the people whom others designated with this term never knew themselves by it. Perhaps this term did not function as the primary self-designation of people from “Canaan” (perhaps their individual clan units, cities, towns, or sub-regions were the primary self designations)

Michael Tsarion

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